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AMONGO Display Technology(ShenZhen)Co.,LTD
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AMONGO Display Technology(ShenZhen)Co.,LTD
News & Trends
Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche AMONGO Display Technology(ShenZhen)Co.
Amongo 70inch IR Touch Industrial Panel PC Windows OS
1 Pagine
Amongo 38inch Industrial all-in-one PC Android OS--AMG-38PPC01G2
1 Pagine
Amongo 19inch PCAP Monitor--AMG-19OPGX01T2
1 Pagine
Amongo 43inch Industrial PC Windows OS--AMG-43PPC01Gx
1 Pagine
Amongo 28inch Industrial PC Android OS--AMG-28PPC01Gx
1 Pagine
Amongo 15inch Tempered glass Industrial LCD Monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 19inch permanent antibacterial industrial touch screen LCD monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.1inch PCAP Touch Monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 28inch PCAP Touch Industrial Panel PC Andrioid OS
1 Pagine
Amongo 32inch High brightness / sunlight readable, light sensor touch monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 7inch Front IP65 Mold Frame with Touchscreen
1 Pagine
Amongo 43inch PCAP Touchscreen Monitor, Surface IP waterproof, dust-proof, vandal-proof
1 Pagine
Amongo 7inch PCAP Touch Industrial Panel PC --AMG-07PPCTX
1 Pagine
Amongo 21inch PCAP Touch Industrial LCD Monitor(21OPTL01T2)
1 Pagine
Amongo 21.5inch Industrial all-in-one PC Android OS--AMG-21PPC03T3
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4inch PCAP Touch Industrial Panel PC Andrioid OS--AMG-10PPCX1T1
1 Pagine
Amongo 7inch PCAP Touch Industrial LCD Monitor(AMG-07IPDB01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.1inch High brightness / sunlight readable, light sensor touch monitor(AMG-12OPXB01T2)
1 Pagine
Amongo 32inch Antibacterial Touch Screen Monitor(AMG-32OPGV01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 17inch UV High Brightness PCAP Multi Tocuh screen LCD Monitor(AMG-17IPTP01T3)
1 Pagine
Amongo permanent antibacterial industrial touch screen LCD monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 15.6" PCAP Touch Screen Monitor, Surface hardness MoHS 7
1 Pagine
Amongo 23.8inch PCAP Touchscreen Monitor, Surface IP waterproof, dust-proof, vandal-proof
1 Pagine
Amongo 17inch Front IP65 Mold Frame with Touchscreen
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.1" Front IP65 Mold Frame with Touchscreen
1 Pagine
Amongo 18.5inch PCAP Touchscreen lcd monitor with IP65 waterprof, vandal-proof, dust-proof
1 Pagine
Amongo 15" PCAP Multi Touch monitor with IP65 Frame
1 Pagine
Amongo 8" Face recognition Panel PC, Android 7.1 OS with PCAP multi-touch(AMG-08PPC05T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 8" Android 7.1 OS Panel PC with PCAP touchscreen(AMG-08PPC02T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 21.5inch white aluminum front frame / touch screen cover(AMG-21OPGD01T5)
1 Pagine
1 Pagine
AMONGO 10.1" Panel PC, PCAP Multi-touch RAM 4GB, SSD 32GB(AMG-10PPC01T3)
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4inch Motion Sensor Monitor, Anti-glare glass,1000nits(AMG-10IPLV01G2)
1 Pagine
Amongo 55inch Digital signage monitor, PCAP Multi Touch(AMG-55IPGV01T2)
1 Pagine
AMONGO Motion sensor LCD monitor, 7-inch HD camera for semi outdoor buffet meal machine
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AMONGO 27" bar LCD industrial display with anti-glare tempered glass, auto-control temperature senso
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Amongo 11.6inch industrial PCAP Touch Screen LCD monitor(AMG-11IPPC01T1)
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Amongo 9.7inch industrial lcd monitor with PCAP Multi touch screen , for ATM rear side
1 Pagine
Amongo 17" PCAP Multi-touch monitor,Vandal-proof,Privacy Film(AMG-17OPGD01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 19inch open frame monitor,PCAP Multi touch(AMG-19OPDX01T7)
1 Pagine
19inches open frame PCAP touch screen industrial lcd monitor(AMG-19OPKJ01T1)
1 Pagine
15inches open frame touch screen lcd monitor for ATM / Non-cash equipment etc
1 Pagine
21.5" PCAP Multi touch industrial lcd monitor for AFC(AMG-21OPGD01T4)
1 Pagine
17inch open frame PCAP Multi touch screen LCD Monitor(AMG-17OPHY01T1)
1 Pagine
15inch PCAP Multi-touch monitor for ATM/VTM/Kiosk/non-cash equipment etc
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.5inch PCAP Touch(10 points) industrial monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 19" electromagnetic pen monitor, privacy film optional
1 Pagine
Amongo 24inches PACP Touchseen(10 poinits) LCD Monitor AMG-24IPTP01T2
1 Pagine
Amongo 15" light sensor lcd monitor for ATM (AMG-15OPBK02T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 13.3inch all in one , industrial monitor (10 points touch screen)
1 Pagine
43" Digital Signage support wifi 1920x1080 pixels (AMG-43PPC01T1)
1 Pagine
AMONGO 18.5" Industrial lcd monitor with touch screen(AMG-19IPUS01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 15inches projected capacitive monitor (10 points) AMG-15OPDX07T1
1 Pagine
Amongo 15" open frame touch screen lcd monitor ( full flat front bezel 10 points)
1 Pagine
Amongo 70inch wide screen industrial monitor with IR Touch screen
1 Pagine
Amongo 55" IR Touch Screen Monitor , Open Fame NEW(AMG-55OPJS01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo open frame touch industrial lcd monitor, 55 inch IR touch 6 points (AMG-55OPJS01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 17" industrial touch lcd monitor for ATM / Game / Kiosk / Railway etc
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.5" 1920 x 1080 pixel HD PCT Toouchscreen(AMG-12IPDX02T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.1" Touch Screen panel pc all in one 1280x800 pixels(AMG-10PPC01T2)
1 Pagine
Amongo 21.5 inch full flat design front bezel open frame touch monitor (AMG-21OPHJ01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo New 70inch 400nits LED Backlight (AMG-70IPIK01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 19" Sunlight Readable open frame lcd monitor (AMG-19OPDF01N1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.5" PCT Touch 10 Points industrial lcd monitor for Financial equipment (AMG-12IPDX02T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 12.1inch industrial lcd monitor (pct touch 10 points)AMG-12IPDX02T2
1 Pagine
AMONGO 12.1" light sensor industrial monitor, 1000nits(AMG-12IPUS01T1)
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4 inch pct touch(10 points) industrial lcd monitor , AMG-10IPYZ02T1
1 Pagine
Amongo 14" NEW 1920x1080 pixels (Electromagnetic pen) AMG-14IPDX01T2
1 Pagine
Amongo 14" Electromagnetic pen (pct touch 10 points) AMG-14IPDX01T2
1 Pagine
Amongo 15" PCT Touch 1200nits(Embedded Light Sensor) AMG-15OPBK02T1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 21.5" 1920x1080 Pixel PCT Touch(10 poinits) 250nits(Touch Monitor)AMG-21OPDX01T1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 6.5" 640x480 Pixel Resistive touchscreen 600nits(Panel PC)AMG-06PPC01T3
1 Pagine
AMONGO 21.5" 1920x1080 Pixel PCT 4 Points Touch 250nits(Touch Monitor)AMG-21IPKJ01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 10.4" 800x600 Pixels Resistive Touchscreen 230nits(Industrial Touch Monitor)AMG-10IPPC03T1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 17inch 1280x1024 Pixels Resistive Touchscreen 250nits(Open Frame Touch Monitor)AMG-17OPHA01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 17inch 1280x1024 Pixels SAW Touchscreen 1200nits(Industrial High Brightness Monitor)AMG-17IPPC02T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 19inch 1366x768 Pixels 250cd/?(Open Frame Monitor)AMG-19OPMC01N1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 22" Capacitive Touchscreen 1680x1050 Pixels (Open Frame Touch Monitor)AMG-22OPAN01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 17" PCT Touch(10 Points) 1280x1024 Pixels 1000:1(Touch Monitor)AMG-17IPIN01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 15" Resistive Touchscreen 1920x1080 Pixels LED Backlight (Industrial Touch Monitor)AMG-15IPPC01T4-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 19" PCT Capacitive Touchscreen 1280x1024(Industrial Touch Monitor)AMG-19IPFS01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 15" SAW Touch Screen LED Backlight(Open Frame Touch Monitor)AMG-15OPGS01T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 10.4inch PCT TouchScreen/ 2 Points (Open Frame Touch Monitor)AMG-10OPYZ03T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 5.7-inch Sunlight readable Luminance 700nits(Open Frame Monitor)AMG-06OPSK01N1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 10.4' Sunlight readable/tempered glass(indusrtial monitor)10IPPC05G1-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 17' touchscreen all-in-one(panel pc)17PPC01T9-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 15' all-in-one(panel pc)15PPC03NC-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 12' IR touchscreen all-in-one(panel pc)12PPC01T6-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 12' Touchscreen all-in-one(panel pc)12PPC01T2-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 7' touchscreen all-in-one(panel pc)07PPC83T2-V1
1 Pagine
AMONGO 6' all-in-one touchscreen (panel pc)06PPC01T1-V1
1 Pagine
Amongo 42' ALL IN ONE (Panel PC) /42PPC08T1
1 Pagine
Amongo 42' ALL IN ONE (Panel PC) /42PPC08T1-V1
1 Pagine
AMG-09IPSK02TV-V1 /Industrial Monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/lcd display/ industrial lcd display
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/lcd display/ industrial lcd display
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/ lcd display/ industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 12'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/LCD display/ industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/LCD display/ industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' Open frame TFT LCD Monitor/ LCD display/ touch screen industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' Open frame LCD Monitor/ LCD display/ touch screen industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' Open frame LCD Monitor/ LCD display/ touch screen industrial lcd monitor/AMG-08OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 6.5'' Open frame LCD Monitor/ LCD display/ touch screen industrial lcd monitor/AMG-06OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4'' Open frame Multi touch screen industrial LCD Monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame LCD Monitor with IR,SAW touchscreen panel/AMG-10opha01
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-10opha
1 Pagine
Amongo 12'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-12opha
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-17OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 17''Open Frame touch screen industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 19''Open Frame touch screen industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 22''Open Frame lcd monitor with Touch screen panel
1 Pagine
Amongo 22''Open Frame touch screen industrial lcd monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 6.5'' Open frame LCD Monitor with touch screen panel|AMG-08OPHA
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' industrial LCD Monitor with touch screen panel
1 Pagine
Amongo 6.5'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor AMG 06 OPHA
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-15OPMT
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame touch screen industriaonitor/AMG-15O PDT 02N2
1 Pagine
Amongo Open frame LCD Monitor with Resistive Touch screen /AMG-15OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor with touchscreen/AMG-15OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-10OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo Open frame LCD Monitor with Resistive Touch screen /AMG-08OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo Open frame LCD Monitor with Touch screen /AMG-06OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 22INCH industrial lcd monitors OPPC
2 Pagine
Amongo 19'' open frame monitors OPPC
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' industrial tft-lcd displays
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' open frame lcd monitors
1 Pagine
Amongo 12 inch industrial open frame monitors
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4 OPPC open frame monitors
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4 open frame monitor OPPC
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor for NCR ATM Machines
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-19OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-17OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-15O PMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 12'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-12OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 10.4'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-10OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 8.4'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor/AMG-08OPMD
1 Pagine
Amongo 6.5'' Open frame touch screen industrial LCD Monitor AMG - 065 OP 0001
1 Pagine
Amongo 55'' Industrial LCD Touch Screen Monitor with IR 4 POINTS Multi touch Screen/AMG-55IPAS01T1
1 Pagine
Amongo 42'' Open Frame Industrial LCD Touch Screen Monitor with IR/SAW touch Screen/AMG-42OPSP
1 Pagine
Amongo 42'' Industrial LCD Touch Screen Monitor with IR 4 POINTS Multi touch Screen/AMG-42IPAS07T2
1 Pagine
Amongo 42'' Industrial LCD Touch Screen Monitor with PCT 2 POINTS Multi touch Screen/AMG-42IPAS07T1-V1
1 Pagine
Amongo 37''Open Frame Industrial LCD Monitor with Multi touch Screen panel/AMG-37OPSP01N1-V1
1 Pagine
Amongo 32''Industrial LCD Touch Screen Monitor with Multi touch Screen panel/AMG-32IPPC05N1-V1
1 Pagine
Amongo 32''Open Frame Industrial LCD Monitor with SAW touch Screen panel/AMG-31OPSP02T1-V1
1 Pagine
Amongo 32''Open Frame Industrial LCD Monitor with IR touch Screen panel
1 Pagine
Amongo 24'' Industrial LCD Touch screen monitor with 8mm aluminum front bezel
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' Industrial LCD Touch screen monitor with aluminum front bezel
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Industrial LCD Touch screen monitor
1 Pagine
Amongo 19''Touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 17''Rugged industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Fanless touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Flat screen panel mounting industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Fanless wide touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 18.5'' Open Frame Fanless touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Open Frame Fanless touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' Fanless touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 17'' Fanless wide touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 15''flat screen panel mounting industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Fanless touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 15'' Fanless wide touch screen industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 12''panel mounting industrial panel pc
1 Pagine
Amongo 7'' Fanless touch screen Industrial panel pc with amuminum front bezel
1 Pagine
Amongo 6'' Fanless touch screen Industrial panel pc with amuminum front bezel
1 Pagine
Amongo 19'' Fanless Touch Screen Industrial Panel PC with IR/SAW Touch screen Panel
1 Pagine
Amongo Fanless wide touch screen Industrial Panel PC with Multi Touch screen Panel
1 Pagine
Amongo 24'' Fanless Touch Screen Industrial Panel PC with IR Touch screen Panel
1 Pagine
Amongo 32''Fanless Panel PC with IR Touch screen Panel
1 Pagine
Amongo Fanless touch screen industrial panel PC
1 Pagine
Ricerche correlate
Panel PC industriale AMONGO
Panel PC con touch screen AMONGO
Panel PC senza ventole
Monitor industriale AMONGO
PC industriale industriale
Computer senza ventola
Monitor touch screen AMONGO
Panel PC Intel® Core™ AMONGO
Computer embedded
Panel PC Windows AMONGO
Computer box
Computer HDMI
Computer USB 2.0
Panel PC con montaggio VESA AMONGO
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