AZ Profilo aziendale


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AZ Profilo aziendale - 3

AZ is located in the most productive and industrialized area in northern Italy and also one of the largest in Europe. A place that can be referred to as ‘an old friend’ thanks to its proximity to the mountains, the sea, and to one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Venice. Here, in our mountains, thanks to the availability of materials, the old tradition of ‘grindstone’ was created, one of the main principles involved with the grinding wheel and grinding process. AZ è situata nell’area più produttiva e industrializzata del nord Italia e una delle più grandi d’Europa. Una terra che...

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AZ Profilo aziendale - 4

AZ’s story started in 1953 under the name Zanrosso in the field of automotive aftersales service with the production of lathes for brake drums and discs for vehicles. In 1976, Tecnodue Company was created and its speciality was in garage equipment such as two-post lifts and gas analysers. Year by year the products improved until they became a worldwide leader in machine tools for engine rebuilding, marine engines and railway engines. In the next several years AZ grew as a leader in the production of crankshaft grinding machines of up to 14 meters in length for the energy, locomotive and...

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AZ Profilo aziendale - 5

La storia AZ inizia nel 1953, anno di fondazione di Zanrosso. L ’azienda si distingue nella produzione di torni per lavorazioni su dischi e tamburi e più in generale per i sistemi frenanti di autoveicoli. Nel 1976 nasce Tecnodue, che successivamente cambierà il nome in AZ, specializzata in attrezzature per autofficina come elevatori a due colonne e analizzatori gas di scarico, che fin da subito si conquista un ruolo di primo piano a livello mondiale nella produzione di macchine utensili per la ricostruzione dei motori marini e ferroviari. Gli anni successivi vedono l’affermazione di AZ come...

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PRODUCT HISTORY 1976 - 1992 TECNODUE Tecnodue came into existence in 1976. The company specialized in garage equipment such as two-post lifts and gas analyzers. Tecnodue changed its name to AZ. Year after year the products improved until AZ became a worldwide leader in machine tools for rebuilding engines like marine and railway engines. Nel 1976 nasce Tecnodue specializzata in attrezzature per autofficina come elevatori a due colonne e analizzatori gas di scarico. For 3 years, AZ was part of the company VERECO along with two other companies, Zanrosso and Ruaro-Scledum. Per 3 anni AZ faceva...

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2000 AZ MACHINE TOOLS AZ changed its production; no longer was it only machines for rebuilding engines but also for engine production. AZ entered into new markets. Those markets were for the AEROSPACE and the AUTOMOTIVE industries. Now, the product is custom-made. Designed completely around the customer and their needs. AZ entra in nuovi mercati come l’industria AEROSPAZIALE e l’AUTOMOTIVE. Adesso il prodotto viene completamente disegnato su misura per le esigenze del cliente. La produzione delle macchine passa dal settore della riparazione al settore della produzione. + AEROSPACE...

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MISSION - MISSIONE FLEXIBILITY AND CUSTOMIZATION Flessibilità e personalizzazione AZ’s missionis to project and design machines to each and every customers individual needs and to solve the particular grinding problems specific to complex workpiece shapes. Thanks to a team of professional and leading engineers AZ has the ability to ensure advanced technological solutions and performance machines. La mission di AZ è di progettare e costruire macchine di rettifica su misura per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni singolo cliente e risolvere particolari problemi di rettifica di pezzi di forma...

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AZ Profilo aziendale - 10

INNOVATION - INNOVAZIONE Innovation has always been the main visionary objective of AZ. Innovation means cooperation with university, research & development, shared knowledge & experiences with customers and internal staff for constant improvement in products, and service & assistance. AZ offers a service systems which allows it to offer products which are technological advanced and trustworthy. The measurements, the movements, the controls, are all chosen from the top worldwide supply leaders and combined with AZ’s engineering creativity produce one of the most sophisticated range of...

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AZ Profilo aziendale - 12

ENGINEERING - INGEGNERIZZAZIONE We pursue the goal of bringing efficiency in the engineering of machines, technology and servicies. We have the competencies, the experience and, especially, the methodology for helping our customers enhancing their processes and make them increasingly efficient and effective. Perseguiamo sempre più l’obbiettivo di portare efficienza nell’ingegnerizzazione delle macchine, della tecnologia e dei servizi. Abbiamo le competenze, l’esperienza e soprattutto la metodologia per aiutare i nostri clienti a migliorare i loro processi e renderli sempre più efficienti ed...

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Advanced measuring systems for quality assurance of grinded parts Sistemi di misurazione avanzati per il controllo di qualità del pezzo rettificato For statistical process control (SPC), allow extremely efficient monitoring of the manufacturing process and rapid intervention where necessary. We can produce grinded parts of a consistently high quality. Macchina per il controllo statistico di processo (SPC), permette il monitoraggio del processo di rettifica del pezzo ed eventual correzioni su questo dove necessario. In questo modo possiamo rettificare pezzi di alta qualità e precisione.

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ASSISTANCE - ASSISTENZA We offer 3 different packages: Offriamo 3 diversi pacchetti di servizi: TELESERVICE HOTLINE Telephone or teleservice support ensures fast error correction and reduces the costs for on-site visits. Il servizio di assistenza telefonica o in videoconferenza permette soluzioni veloci e abbatte i costi per le visite sul posto. 1 YEAR / 1 ANNO a MAINTENANCE MANUTENZIONE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: technicians intervention and document this with a maintenance checklist. MANUTENZIONE PREVENTIVA: manutenzione preventiva e periodica, con specifici interventi tecnici indicati nel...

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche AZ spa


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  2. CW400

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