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The most complete range for composites and light alloys dei materiali compositi e leghe leggere. Providing automotive, aerospace and composites industries with smart and cost-effectìue solutions: for applications on advanced materials sucri as carbon, kevlar and light alloys, special systems have been designed to achieve the best accuracy and machining reliability. The major operators in the aeronautica! field have chosen our machining centres for milling of light alloys, sandwich panels and composites. The outstanding performance and the wide range of machining centers enable to satisfy...
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TRIM Series TRIM OPTIONS Aluminium vacuum table with Tslots Piano aspirante in alluminio con cave a T Strong, accurate and absolutely reliable.the newTRIM series isthe jewel of the 5-axis machining centers for trimming plastic and composite matenals. As with the previous MKN model, the newTRIM machining center assures good access to the working area, so that the jig is easiiy accessible. The working qualities of the TRIM series meet any requirements in terms of machining speed and quality. Among the various options, automatic loading/unloading systems (rotary table and twin shuttle) allow...
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Fanuc 31 i, Osai Open M The new generation of the FLA series combines the productivity of a high speed milling machine to the potentia! of a mobile bridge machining center. High dynamics of ali axes to allow the maximum productivity for the production of any specific application field. 80 m/min rapid speed and up to 0.8 g of X - Y -Z axes acceleration represents the necessary qualifications for the trimming of plastic, composites as well as patterns made of resin and wood. Among the various options, automatic loading/unloadingsystems (rotary table and twin shuttle) allow clampingforsaving...
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AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE FROM 8 TO 40 POSITIONS nuovo centro di lavoro Serie FLU. realizzato con struttura monolitica per smorzare le vibrazioni, è destinato alla fresatura ad alta velocità di modelli in resina e stampi in alluminio. La particolare architettura della macchina permette un'accessibilità totale all'area di lavoro, con la possibilità di caricare utilizzando un carro ponte sia dime che pezzi particolarmente pesanti. Performance head with direct drive encoders and rotary locking system brakes (option) Testa performance con encoders diretti e freni su assi rotanti (opzione)
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monolithic structure with a performances through a 15 or 30 kW elee performance piece The optional 5-axis head, compact and equippèe axis locking system and Heidenhain direct encoders,^ high quality and precise working of elaborated | The easy and quick set up, thanks to the piece centering las5 systems, makes the machinery extremely performing.^ The CSRSisan optional patented equipment,especiaily designed for the milling of aluminum stack sheets. olio numerico della serie truttura monolitica dotàtì materiali, come l'alluminh La testa a 5 assi, opzionale? bloccaggio assi ed encoder Hei...
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GEMINI Series I centri di lavoro Belotti della serie Gemini sono il risultato della lunga esperienza raggiunta in oltre 30 anni di attività nel settore della produzione di macchine per la fresatura di plastica, materiali compositi e resine. La struttura del centro di lavoro, a ponte fìsso e tavole mobili, consiste in un rigido basamento in acciaio saldato sottoposto a trattamento termico per una maggior stabilità. Il movimento longitudinale X, con sistema pignone cremagliera, è ottenuto con lo spostamento da destra a sinistra del carro Z, dove alloggia la vite a ricircolo di sfere che...
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The NAVY series is an advanced 5-axis machining center especially designed for boatbuilders. A wide range of models enables to meet any dimensionai and technologìcal need. Customers who have chosen a NAVY machine haveshortly incremented theirconstructive quality and efficiency; alsothe qual ity of the work environ ment has greatly improved thanks to the various options provided, such as dust suction systems and active/passive safety devices. Maximum flexibility is granted by this multi-purpose machining centre which allows both pattern makingand trimmingof deckhulls, fiberglass parts and...
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The MDL series isan advanced 5-axis machining center with mobile gantry designed to ensure strong rigidity in high speed machining. The Classic version meets ali production needs in milling of models and prototypes for automotive and nautical industries, while the Superior version, using doublé motors for the complete elimination of the backlash, Heidenhain linear scales measuring system and a sturdy structure, is used for milling aluminum and its alloys, structural carbon fiber frames and composite materials for the aviation industry. The brand new head driven by torque motors, designed...
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SKY Series is especially designed to perform the challenging demands of the automotive and aerospace industry. The gantry design, the fixed machine bed and the upper rolling shutter make SKY the perfect 5-axis machining center for the manufacture of tooling, moulds and models in aluminum.composites and lightalloys materials. The high performances are granted by theextreme rigidity and stability matched with the highly dynamic drives. Depending on the requested performance each machining center ìs customized with the most advanced measuringsystems such as Heidenhain glass linear scale system...
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Belotti S.p.A. is specialized in the production of 3 and 5 axis waterjet cutting centers both with abrasive powder system or with pure water. The purpose is to provide a milling center able toincrease our customers production: waterjet technoiogy allows to process several materiate with high precision and rapidity and, minimizmg the effect of the heat, it is possible to avoid the deformations due to thermal and mechanical stresses. The low percentage of scraps and the minimum tool use make this technique very economie as well as low environmental impacting. AH these aspeets push Belotti...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 11Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Belotti SpA
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Cataloghi archiviati
Aerospace machining solutions
16 Pagine
Waterjet solutions
20 Pagine
Milling CNC routers
16 Pagine
Milling and waterjet solution
24 Pagine