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British Standard Tester BS36 verl.O/OCTIO Waveform TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) Cable Fault Locator Due to our policy of continuai product development we reserve the right to amend the specifications of ali mentioned products without notice.
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SsT British Standard Tester BS36 Waveform Cable Fault Locator is highly accurate portable measuring instrument based on TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) technology that analyzes the physical characteristics of cables consisting of at least two metallic conductors. It can analyzes or test a variety of cable conditions and faults from a remote distance such as complete open & short, partial open & short, loading coils, loose connection, broken lines and faulty CABLE Selec-t BS36 can effectively be utilized in a variety of the cable environments including telephone lines, high-speed...
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SsT British Standard Tester BS36 has been using in many industriai sites such as Telephone company, ISP, CATV company, HFC network maintenance company, LAN installer or maintenance company, Power plant company, Chemical company, Ship-builder, Military communication unit, Large-sized factory and Subway station wherever any kinds of metallic cables are installed and need to be maintained. • Coaxial cables network maintenance • CATV and CCTV network maintenance • Electric power cable maintenance • Telephony network maintenance • Security cable maintenance Due to our policy of continuai product...
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SsT British Standard Tester Sample Waveforms of Various Events in Cables itsimilarto partial open) Cable end (similarto partial short) Due to our policy of continuai product development we reserve the right to amend the specifications of ali mentioned products without notice.
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SsT British Standard Tester oading coil tsimilarto complete open) oose connection I (similarto partisi open) cable end broken line (similarto complete open) Due to our policy of continuai product development we reserve the right to amend the specifications of ali mentioned products without notice.
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British Standard Tester BS36 verl.O/OCTIO • Suitable for use on Coaxial, Telephone, CATV, CCTV, Power cable & UTP cable • Two active cursore with individuai control • Changeable zero point • Ease of use: single key functions • Non-volatile memory for storing data up to 100 waveform • Built-in library of 77 cables for fast & easy selection of VOP • Usable battery time display • Waveform zoom capabilities • Waveform trace and diagnosis • Automatic event search • Windows Software • Rugged and waterproof packing • Optional spare battery doublé operating time • 2m long alligator clip • RS-232C...
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SsT British Standard Tester Due to our policy of continuai product development we reserve the right to amend the specifìcations of ali mentioned products without notice.
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SsT British Standard Tester Due to our policy of continuai product development we reserve the right to amend the specifications of ali mentioned produets without notice.
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VOP Table MANU -FACTURER CABLE TYPE CABLE TYPE Trunk/Dist PIII Trunk/Dist Form Drop Form Cable Flex Drop Form Times Fiber Comm Scope Scientific Atlanta Due to our policy of continual product development we reserve the right to amend the specifications of all mentioned products without notice. BS36_PF_v01.doc Created on 10/19/2012 10:47:57 AM Prepared by Kit
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Pulp/ Paper n o it i d n o c s ti o t g ni d r o c c a el b a c e m a s e h t t a n e v e e m a s e ht e b yl t c a x e t o n l li w s e ul a v P O V e h T * . c t e n o it c u d o r p f o e m it t n e r effi d r o r e r u t c af u n a m t n e r effi d , d ell at s ni e c al p f o BST Caltek Industrial Ltd. www.bstcaltek.com www.htcaltek.com www.caltek.com.hk www.finestcaltek.asia Flat G, 2/F., Block 4, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre, 182-190 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong E-MAIL: TEL: (852) 2401-1222 FAX: (852) 2420-3472 kh.moc.ketlac@selas Due to our policy of continual...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 10Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche BST Caltek Industrial Ltd
BC-30 DR
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3 Pagine
BC-20 DR
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BC-20 UV Corona Discharge Camera
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BT-62 Infrared Thermometer
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3 Pagine
Cataloghi archiviati
Field Strength Meter BT521
2 Pagine
Phase Sequence Indicator BT702
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Phase Sequence Indicator BT701
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Cable Length Meter BS34
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LAN Cable / Wire Tester BT601
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PSD-A/B/C Series
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5 Pagine
5 Pagine
5 Pagine
5 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
3 Pagine
9 Pagine
10 Pagine
11 Pagine
9 Pagine
BS37-Cable Fault Locator
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BT604-LAN Cable / Wire Tester
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BT603-LAN Cable / Wire Tester
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BT602-LAN Cable / Wire Tester
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BT601 LAN Cable / Wire Tester
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BS34 Cable Length Meter
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Clamp Meter BS92
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Insulation Tester BT751
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LAN Cable / Wire Tester BS35
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2 Pagine
Scope Meter
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BST Product Highlight
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LAN Cable/ Wire Testers
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BS5010V 10MHz Handy Oscilloscope
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Assembly Line Profile leaflet
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Handy Installation Tools (DIY)
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4 Pagine
BST General Catalogue
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BST Test Accessories Catalogue
4 Pagine