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CEL Components S.r.l. Via Ca’ dell’Orbo Sud 4 - 40055 Castenaso (Bologna) Italy Tel. +39 051 782505 Fax +39 051 782477 www.cel.eu info@cel.eu P.IVA 04102600378 CCIAA BO 0339628 ALVEOLARI DI ALLUMINIO E TERMOPLASTICI, LAMINATI, PANNELLI SANDWICH PANNEAU COMPOSITE ELYLITE CURV PANNEAU COMPOSITE ELYLITE CURV I pannelli Powercel®PP sono composti di due pelli auto rinforzate in CURV COMPOSIT PANEL ELYLITE CURV COMPOSIT EPANEL E polipropilene, incollate ad un’anima con struttura a nido d’ape in PP. ® ELYLITE CURVcomposés de con unoPANEL E I pannelli sonoPolicore CURV COMPOSIT PANEL Les panneaux completamente in PPdeux "peaux"strato protettivo in PET. PP sont COMPOSIT E de polypropylène auto-renforcées, alliéesThe E ®Curv panels composés de deux tout assemblé par des couches skins combined with à unElyliteà structure nid d'abeille (HC), le "peaux" de polypropylène auto-renforcées, skins combined cœur lylite Curv sont are composed of two self-rein po pylene adhésives. forced lypro Les panneaux Policore PPpanels are composed of two self-reinforced polypropylene Les panneauxa with a sont à uneycombpolypropylène joined statilerealizzati per The couches panels consist sont (PP) avec une tout protectrice oflypro honeycomb leggeri sono (HC), minceassemblé par couchepolypropylene skins of polypropylene Questi pannelli ®de structure, nid are composedadhesive forced bonding. Theskins de PET : pylene par with a (PP) più combined with honElyliteà core (HC), (PP)togetherof two adhesive. ottenere consistalteLes panneauxa by bonding alliéesconstitués Curv core(HC) d'abeille together by(70 microns)po panelslaadhésives.po ils combined cœurultra The E lylite Curv panels composed of two self-reinforced panelsjoined are self-rein des pylene lypro conséquent a decoût très(HC), joined together by andbonding consequently ffective: and even modéré et avec faciles à of PET and bonding. The panels lypro of polypropylene très la rigidità with d'un (70 (HC) protective lmince adhesive. are panels all’impatto ilseffective ayer ly ve prestazionieycombpolypropylèneriguardaunelayercoller. e are resistenzaryconsist ofconsist sont par and even (PP) per quello che protective adhesive la consequent cost verypo sono sont constituésthin coremicron)(PP)togetherof PET (70 microns) couche protectricee PET epylene (PP) de cost honeycomb core , joined hon by The easy thin (70 very conséquent ato glue. très modéré et très faciles PET and and are consequently ffective and even facilmente riciclabili. micron) protective layercoller. are consequentry cost e cost effective and even with d'un coût protective of à of PET ayer l ly ve Ces panneaux glue. easy to ultra-légers sont conçus pour atteindre les meilleures performances en termes These ultra light weight panels atteindre les meilleures the Les panels highest per ont été testés à formance de rigidité et de résistancesont conçus pourare designed to meet performances performance characteristics in aux impacts ; ils sont facilement recyclables. highest en characteristics in Ces pannelli possono resistance, are designed to meet theThepanneauxdifferenza degli Questipanneaux ultra-légers resistere aand easieasily able Theapanelspanels have been tested at tempera stiffness and impact panels are are recycl fino – polymèresA termes le tempera recyclable. 30°C. typiques, at stiffness and impact que -30°C. Contrairement to meet thehighest performancematériau , and temperature . ly ave per h Thesede résistance aux resistance are designed to meet the Les panneauxcharacteristics inultraaussi basses panels are designed aux matériauxhighest been tested characteristics in light weight des températures et ils sont facilement recyclables. formance ont testés à tures il low as Curv altride rigiditéfness andpour -30°C.impacts ;typical easieasilymaterials,rv The panelsknown nottempe-atatempera polimeri, as Powercel non presentapolymer able The panels températures étéknownshowto show any alcuna tures as low as -30°C Unlike arepo ly m recyclable. friabilità anche at to not Unlike typical lymer ni fragilità theaterial is have extrêmementny stiffness and impact resistance, Contrairementfragilité, même aux h material is le tempera been Policorefest connu impact.resistance and are recycl ,matériaux m ave been tested matériau-basses. ne présenter, aucune friabilité aterials.the Cuo polymères typiques, a tested sti and des brittleness even extreme low low temperatures. que brittleness at extremely temper atures. rature températures aussi atbasse.ly-30°C. lymer m materials,rv mCurv material is not to showto show any estremamentebasses Unlike typical polymer aux the Cutheaterial is known known not a tures as low as -30°C. tures as loweven présenter aucune friabilité aterials même aux températures extrêmementny as ne . Unlike typical po , Policore est connu pour -30°C ni fragilité, basses. brittleness even at extremely temper brittleness even extreme low low temperatures. at ly atures. Composizione Composition Composition Composition • Cœur Polypro - Anima Composition structure nid d'abeille, with a density 60360 kg/m inpolypropylène, honeycomb core densité 80 kg/m3. 3.. • polipropilene alveolare with a density of of kg/m Composition pylene hon • Polypropylene eycomb core80kg/m3 Composition "peaux" - PelliDeuxPowercel da honeycomb Le mm.a density ofsont60 kg/m in• Polypropylene d'épaisseur 0,92with Ces "peaux" 60 kg/m pelli a 80 completamente 100% polypropylène ••Cœur Polypro Policore 0,92 mm. core withsono kg/m3. 33.en composite in polipropilene.(PP) ; ils consistent en une structure • polypropylène, structure nid d'abeille, densité density of . pylene hon protected a thineycomb core of Ces by (70 micron) ayer • Deux protected byPP d'épaisseur 0,92l par une "peaux" sont en composite 100% polypropylène "peaux" da a unico tessuto in fibre couche(70 microns) de PET. Sono tissée de fibres deunthin (70protégéesmm. PEoffinedi PP protetto da uno strato di (PP) ; ils consistent en une structure costituite Policore étirées,micron) layerT. PET. performance adhesion system. •tissée• Joined together byhigh per layer adhesion system. Collage fibres de PP thina aprotégées performances. • Joinedby a a étirées, de hautes T. by formance protected procédé (70 highayer 70micron depar untogetheradhésifmicron) par PEoffine couche(70 microns) de PET. in pet. protected by thin (70 micron) l of une PET. • Joined togetheradhésif de hautes performances. system. Joined together byhigh per a highformance adhesion elevate. performance adhesion system. • Collage par un adesivo • Dimensions by - Incollato da un procédé a strutturale a prestazioni Dimensions Thickness Thickness 9.5 Dimensions mm Épaisseur 9,5 mm9.7 mm Dimensions 2850 Size Dimensioni 12509.7 mmmm mm Size 1250 9.5 mmmm Thickness x Largeur/longueur x 2200 Thickness Épaisseur 9,5 mm : 2500 x1250 Size 1250 x 2850 mm Spessore 9,5mm2500 x1250 mm Size 1250 x Largeur/longueur : 2200 mm Colors Colors Misura 2500x1250mm Black Black / grey Colors /grey are UV-resistant) (Black Curv skins Colorsrv skins are U-resistant) (Black BlackCugrey V / Black / greyare Flessione totaleare UUV-resistant) (Black Curv skins (Black Cuv skins r V-resistant) Weight PoidsWeight 2.4 kg/m² kg/m² Weight 2.4 Flessione totale mm(*) L=1000 W=1000 P=100N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg) 2,4 kg/m² PoidsWeight 2.4 kg/m² 2.4 kg/m² 2,4 kg/m² Deflection Pannello da 9,5mm 12,00 Deflection 2 Deflection Deflection 2 Flexion totale Deflection (mm) (*)L = 1000 mm,W = 1000 mmP P = 100 N/m tot= 10 kg) Deflection (mm) (*)L = 1000 mm W = 1000 mm, = 100 N/m(M tot= 10 kg) , , (M *I valori sono stati calcolati tenendo W = 1000 mm,flessione2 e rigidità al taglio (M Deflection (mm) (*)L12.00 mm, conto della P = 100 N/m tot= 10 kg) = 1000 Panel of 9.7 mm Flexion Panel of 9.5 mm(*)L12.00 W = 1000 mm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 102kg) tot= 10 kg) totale Flexion totale (mm) (*) L = 1000= 1000 mmW = 1000 mmP = 100 N/m (M mm, Deflection (mm) , , (*) calculated values including bending and shear stiffness. Panel ofmm including 12.00 of (*) = ffness. Flexion(*) calcul(mm)9.7 mm 1000 mm, W =shear stimm, P = 100 N/m2 (Mtot = 10 kg) totale 9,5 9.5 L12,00 12.00 Panneau de ated valuesmm bending and 1000 Panel Resistenza agli impatti bending and shear stiffness. (*) calculated values compte de (*) les valeurs calculées tiennentincluding la flexion et la rigidité en cisaillement (*) calcul ffness. Panneau de ated values including un’estrema 9,5 mm 12,00 Impact resistance Le pelli Powercel hanno bending and shear stiresistenza agli impatti Impact resistance resistance to impact. Impact resistance The Curesistance ave ly high resistance to impact. Résistance rv skins h an exceptional Impactaux impacts The Curv Permanent présentent (mm) M = 2 kg, to 1000 Les "peaux" auxskinshhave an exceptionally high resistance to impact. Policore form Deformazione skins deformation (mm) highaux 2kg,kg exceptionnellement élevée. = 20 mm The Cu impactsan exceptional M= impacts, H = 1000 mm, diameter = 20 mm ave Permanent de ation (mm) ly M = 2 H=1000mm diametro mm Résistance rv permanenteune résistance resistanceH =impact. ,,diameter 20mm Permanentwith 0.92mm (mm)as M aux impacts 10001000 diamètreélevée. = 20 mm deformation Curv skinM kg, H = exceptionnellement = 20 mm Sandwich de 1.83 , Les "peaux" Policorewith ation une Cu skin 1,83= 2 kg, H = 1000 mm, diameter= 20 mm présentent pelle résistance = M = 2 kg H = mm, mmdiameter Déformation permanente (mm)(mm) 2 Permanent con , PannelloSandwich form una rv as sandwich 0.92mm 1.83 Sandwich with 0.92mm Curv as skin 1.83 Sandwich with (mm) Déformationda 0,92mm aluminium as skin kg, in Powercelavec "peau" Policorealuminium1,83skin H = 1000 mm, diamètre = 20 mm Sandwich permanente 1mm 0,92 mm Mas 26.58 Sandwich with 0.92mmrv as skin = 1.83 Sandwich with 1mm Cu 6.58 Sandwich with 1mm 0,92 skin Sandwich avec "peau" Policorealuminium as6,58 Sandwich avec "peau" aluminium 1 mm 6,586.58 Pannello sandwich con una pelle 1,83skin Sandwich with 1mm aluminium as 6.58 di alluminioavec "peau" aluminium 1 mm 6,58 Fire Sandwich behavior Fire behavior skins correspond Uncoated Curv Fire behavior skins correspond toto Class B2 according DIN 4102 which is described as “normal Unco ated Cu rv Class B2 according DIN “normal Fire behavior skins correspond to Class B2 according DIN4102 which is described as “normal flammability”. Uncoated Curv flamm condizioni climatiche B2 according DIN 4102 which is described B2. ability”. Resistenzaated Cu skins correspond tocore material is estimated 4102 which is described as alle rv Uncopolypropylene honeycomb Class The to correspond to“normal Class as flammability”. The po pylene sono eycomb core aterialrangeated to correspond to -40 a + 80 m I pannelli Powercel PP hon stabili core material isdi temperatura da Classto Class B2. in un is estimestimated to correspond B2. flamm lypro ability”. The polypropylene honeycomb pylene hon m ated Weather resistanceeycomb core aterial gradi. The poaux conditions météorologiques is estim to correspond to Class B2. Résistancelypro Weather resistance ® • Elylite panels are temperature range I pannelli E lylite resistance Policore PP sont stables dans une aature range from -40from -40a gran +80 °C. Powercel compositeresistenti all’acqua marina, all’olio ai grassi e °C°C. à • LesWeather Curv PP sonopanels are ststable within gamme de températures allant de -40to +80 °C. panneaux composites météorologiques °C • ElyliteCurv composite panels are resistantato able within temper °C Résistance aux conditions WeatherCurvcomposite panels are stable withinsalt water, oil, fats and fromto +80 agents.°C. •Elylite ® resistance ® Curv composite temperature range most other • Les•panneauxcomposites Policore PP sont résistants à une gamme l'huile, aux other -40-40 et +80 °C. parteLes panneauxCurvcomposite panelssont stables dans l'eauaature àdeand from matières grasses to ààla plupart ders autres agents. deglilylite agenti. Policore PP are st within a temper, fats températures allant de °C°C. +80 altri •EE lylite composites composite panels are resistant to ater,salée, range most-40 °C to +80 °C salt w oil agents. • • ElyliteCurv able ® • resistant to salt oil, and most segni Les•"peaux" Curv composite panels are minimal. l'eau wwater,e non présentent grasses et la plupart ders autres agents. Le pelli panneauxBlack garantissent une excellente protectionater,salée, àUV, et fatsmostranoother agents. ••Les nere garantiscono un’eccellente protezione ,UV l'huile, aux matièresaucun signeàde vieillissement significatif par •EWater absorptionPolicore panels is lylite composites of the PP sont résistants à salt oil les and ne Curv composite panels are resistant to contre fats most other agents. • Waterabsorption of the se confrontati contre les UV, et ne présentent aucun signe de vieillissement significatif par rapport aux invecchiamentopanels is minimal.con materiali simili. autresgarantissent une excellente protection matériaux polymère similaires. significativi di Black • Les "peaux" absorption of the panels is minimal. • Water d'eau par le panneau est minimale. •rapport aux autres matériaux the panels is minimal. L'absorptionabsorption of polymère similaires. • Water • L'absorption d'eau par le panneau est minimale. ® Elylite Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium. ® Elylite Curv is a registered trademark of Elytra nv, Belgium. 1/2 N.B.: i dati riportati sono corretti, allo stato delle migliori conoscenze della CEL S.r.l.; con essi s’intende informare in merito ai prodotti CEL S.r.l. ed alle loro potenziali applicazioni. Nessuna garanzia è prestata, o è in alcun modo sottintesa, riguardo a specifiche proprietà dei prodotti o alla loro idoneità per particolari applicazioni. CEL S.r.l. si riserva la facoltà
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