Estratti del catalogo

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COMI Worldwide The Group COMI is established in August 1973 with the aim of designing and producing thermoforming machinery, specifically for the white goods industry. After 50 years of activity, today COMI is a solid industrial reality, with more than 3.500 systems installed in over 50 countries all around the world, a top-level reference list and a brand among the most prestigious in its market. When the significant development abroad consolidated the company as a reference player in the white goods sector, the management decided to diversify its range of solutions through an intense...
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Facts & Figures Employees/Dipendenti among direct and indirect diretti e indiretti Subsidiaries/Filiali abroad all’estero of Sales/di Vendite from international markets dai mercati internazionali Proprietary/ Tecnologie technologies di proprietà Manufacturing/ Sedi facilities in Italy produttive in Italia Milion/ Milioni euro revenues di euro di fatturato Invested/ Investito constantly in R&S in R&S Machines/ di Macchine installed globally installate nel mondo
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Household Appliances Elettrodomestico Automotive Automobilistico Hydro-sanitary Idrosanitario Aerospace Aerospaziale Marine Nautico Railway Ferroviario
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“Our expertise in specialised machines and in robotics also “La nostra esperienza nellenella macchine specializzate e TechMill is a division of COMI Group which offers a complete range of Water Jet machining centers for machining of a wide range of materials. The company has always been able to adapt to the changes in customer needs and to the Water Jet cutting market. The design, production and installation of the machinery is tailored to meet customer needs, studying technical solutions for the continuous improvement of productivity and 360 ° customization. Each machine is a suit tailored...
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WJA II TYPE /WATER JET CUTTING CENTER TIPO WJA II /CENTRO DI TAGLIO WATER JET COMI, leader in design and manufacture of Water Jet Cutting Centre, presents its new generation of table type “WJA II” 3, 4 or 5 axis. Heart of COMI range, it is compatible with all the options and can evolve in time! The machine is driven by a latest generation CNC FANUC (No.1 Global) allowing ease of use and offering a previously unequalled level of Reliability and Precision. The very high pressure water supply (4000B – 6200B), is supplied by a BFT pump (European No. 1) or KMT (No.1 Global). The Human/Machine...
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FBJET III TYPE /WATER JET CUTTING CENTER TIPO FBJET III /CENTRO DI TAGLIO WATER JET COMI presents its 5-axes-“FBJET III” new generation machine. Open structure set up is concepted with a inox tank cantilever and all advanced technologies. Our Model has a remote arm and unique configuration for increased accessibility! The machine is driven by a latest generation CNC FANUC (No.1 Global) allowing ease of use and offering a previously unequalled level of Reliability and Precision. The very high pressure water supply (4000B – 6200B) is supplied by a BFT pump (European No. 1) “OEM” version,...
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LC JET LCJET is an extremely compact waterjet cutting machine which combines all the state of the art techniques and top quality components: latest generation numeric control FANUC, high pressure water feed supplied by a KMT Waterjet Systems pump, Windows user interface, system designed to work in complete autonomy, SGA abrasive feed system (calibration of +/- 5 %). The compact dimensions, the high quality precision cutting, the completely closed protection cabin make LCJET ideal for small production batches and/or where limited space is available. LC JET è un centro di taglio a getto...
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Waterjet technology with double loading/unloading table Tecnologia Waterjet con doppia tavola di carico/scarico
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CONFRONTA I NOSTRI PRODOTTI Model Modello Overall dimensions (X mm x Y mm) Dimensioni d’ingombro (X mm x Y mm) Axes strokes (X mm x Y mm x Z mm) Corse assi (X mm x Y mm x Z mm) 5 Axis 3D head (Z=350mm) Testa 3D a 5 assi (Z=350mm) 5 Axis head ACTIVE 2,5D (Z=200mm) Testa a 5 assi ATTIVO 2,5D (Z=200mm) Z axis stroke 500mm or 750mm Spostamento in Z=500mm o Z=750mm Number of Heads / On Independent Z carriage Numero di teste / su carro indipendente Maximum number of bridges Numero massimo di ponti Maximum number of bridges Numero massimo di ponti Height / Flatness Sensor Sensore di altezza /...
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FBJet machine with vertical plate loading surface FBJet con sistema di carico piastra verticale WORKING HEADS UNITÀ OPERATRICE
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WATER JET CUTTING PUMPS HIGH PRESSURE PRESSIONE ALTA INTENSIFIER HIGH PRESSURE PUMPS POMPE DA TAGLIO WATER JET VERY HIGH PRESSURE PRESSIONE MOLTO ALTA POMPE DI TIPO MULTIPLIER High load rate, reliable, economical Alto tasso di carico, affidabile, economico ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE PRESSIONE MOLTO ALTA INTENSIFIER HIGH PRESSURE PUMPS POMPE DI TIPO MULTIPLIER Maximum 6200 bar Projects requiring enhanced productivity and/or extreme materials and thickness Massimo 6200 bar Progetti che richiedono maggiore produttività e/o materiali e spessori estremi
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WATER JET CUTTING PUMPS HIGH PRESSURE PRESSIONE ALTA MULTIPLIER TYPE PUMPS POMPE DI TIPO MULTIPLIER Unique variation range on the market from 100 bar to 4150 bar Gamma di Variazione unica sul mercato da 100 bar a 4150 bar POMPE DA TAGLIO WATER JET ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE PRESSIONE MOLTO ALTA DIRECT DRIVEN PUMPS TIPO DI POMPE AD AZIONE DIRETTA Maximum 3800 bar Massimo 3800 bar Low load rate Bassa velocità di carico Brushless motor Motore senza spazzole Power Saving Risparmio energetico Ideal for composites Ideale per compositi
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youtube Comi Group Comi Group COMI sp
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INIECTION PRESSES COMPRESSION PRESSES CNC MILLING & TRIMMING 3 - 5 axis INDUSTRIAL sheet single station coil unwinder automatic loader THERMOFORMING MOLDS HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Washing Refrigeration Cooking Boiler ROBOT cutting & milling HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES thermoforming machines punching presses punching molds 3D C02 ROBOT LASER CUTTING
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 15Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche COMI GROUP
40 Pagine
24 Pagine
3 Pagine
1 Pagine
1 Pagine
Institutional Catalog
64 Pagine
8 Pagine
Milling Turning Grinding
12 Pagine
COMI Presses - Product Range
1 Pagine
LaborShape 5 axis milling center
8 Pagine
LaborMax 5 axis milling center
8 Pagine
LaborMix 5 axis milling center
8 Pagine