Estratti del catalogo

RM3548 Verifiche in campo per assistenza e riparazione Motori, resistori, trasformatori, connettori e cablaggi Settori di utilizzo Applicazioni tipiche Tipologia Ricerca & Sviluppo, Linea di Produzione, Controllo Qualità Linee di Produzione ed Integrazione su macchine automatiche per controlli in linea Test in campo su apparati e connessioni di potenza Avvolgimenti e resistori di trasformatori e motori, relè, barre di connessione, fusibili Resistori, bobine, fusibili, schede elettroniche, cablaggi Barrature elettriche, saldature, settore ferroviario ed aereo, interruttori di potenza Misura a 4 terminali Terminali di connessione Risoluzione display Risoluzione minima Misura di temperatura Funzione di correzione per temperatura Compensazione offset di tensione (OVC) Funzione di calcolo statistico Misura a bassa potenza (Low Power) Precisione base Funzione comparatore Check in prova del buon contatto Memoria per le condizioni di prova Memoria per i dati misurati Interfaccia GP-IB da rete e batterie interne ricaricabili
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Verifiche in campo su avvolgimenti, connessioni, cablaggi Field measurements and tests on windings, connections, wirings Misuratore di resistenza ideale per l’uso in produzione, manutenzione, riparazione e gestione di grandi attrezzature. Compatto, robusto, palmare, copre un grande spettro di valori resistenza con portate da 3mΩ a 3MΩ e risoluzione minima 0.1uΩ tramite una corrente di prova fino a 1A. Memoria interna per 1000 valori di prova ed interfaccia USB per download dati. Resistance meter ideal for use in production, maintenance, repair and operation of large equipment. Compact,...
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High-precision portable resistance meter ■ Easily record up to 1,000 data points in memory simply by applying the instrument's ■ Smoothly capture temperature-rise test data using interval measurement. ■ Portable design is ideal for maintenance and testing of large equipment. Generally, the resistance of Cooper wiring changes with temperature provides a temperature correction function to convert the observed resistance value Rt at the current temperature t to the resistance value Rto at the reference temperature tO. *Requires temperature sensor (Z2001 or 72002). Reference temperature setting...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 3
High-precision portable RESISTANCE METER measures from lift to Mfì I High-precision specs in a portable package (high accuracy of 0.02% rdg.) I Design is ideal for maintenance and testing/measurement of large equipment. I No warmup period or zero adjustment required. I Dramatically improved overvoltage resistance (protection up to 70 V DC) | High-precision specs in a portable package • Expansive range options 0.1 uQ max. resolution, 0.02% basic accuracy • Continuity and resistance measurement in large transformers, motors, and power supply equipment The RM3548 uses a high current of 1 A to...
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Portable, easy to use, and easy to understand • Design is ideal for maintenance and testing/measurement of large products The included strap can be looped around the neck to support the in- strument, leaving the operatori hands free to hold probes for mea- surement. The meter uses eight AA alkaline batteries, which provide enough power for approximately 10 hours of testing under normal operating conditions. (Operating times vary with measurement con- • Auto-hold and auto-memory functionality The RM3548 features auto-hold and auto-memory functionality to automatically hold and record data...
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■Measurement accuracy ■ Resistance measurement accuracy 9 Conditions of guaranteed accuracy • Temperature & humidity: 23 °C ±5 °C, 80% rh or less (non-condensating) • Guaranteed Accuracy Periodi 1 year • From 0°C to 18°C and from 28°C to 40°C, add (temperature coefficient ±[1/10 measurement accuracy] / °C). Standalone instrument accuracy: ± 0.2 °C
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■ RM3544/RM3544-01/RM3548 Specif ications Produci warranty: 1 year
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