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FOR FINE PRESSURE AND FLOW MEASUREMENT Pressure range 0 ... 50 - 1000 mbar Type 652 pressure transmitters are ideally suited to the con-tinuous monitoring of liquid or level, (especially in heating technology). Their especially rugged construction allows a single port over-pressure of up to 20 bar, depending upon pressure range. High overpressure safety margin 10/20 bar on P1 3 standardised output signals for direct Processing in control / monitoring systems Functionally simple, rugged mechanics with high operating reliability Attractive price / performance ratio Also for slightly aggressive liquids and gases Huba Control type 652 - Technical data subject to change - Edition 05/2016 1/5
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Pressure range_ Relative and differential 0 ... 50 - 1000 mbar Operating conditions Medium Tolerable overload and max. tolerable system pressure (P1 > P2) Rupture pressure NBR-based FPM EPDM Q (Silicone) Storage < 200 mbar > 500 mbar Liquids and neutral gases 0 ... +80 0C_ Materials in contact with the medium Silicon Anodized aluminium Brass_ Brass Chemical nickel-plated Other components Steel category A2 for screws Polyacetate-C, Polyamide Electrical overview Power supply Load Current consumption Polarity reversal protection Voltage load_> 10 kOhm_ Short circuit proof and with polarity...
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Test conditions: 25 °C, 45% RH, power supply 24 VDC Order number Mounting bracket type A_100996 Mounting bracket type B_100997 Straight screwed connection G V_for pipe (0 6 mm)_105860 Screwed Socket G V_for tube (0 6 mm)_108239 0 TC = Temperature coefficient 2) Other pressure range on request 3) Other output signals on request ) Accessories supplied loose Huba Control type 652 - Technical data subject to change - Edition 05/2016 3/5
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Dimensions in mm / Electrical connections Straight screwed connector G ⅛ Mounting bracket type A Mounting bracket type B Huba Control type 652 - Technical data subject to change - Edition 05/201
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Huba Control SA Succursale France Rue Lavoisier Technopole Forbach-Sud 57602 Forbach Cedex Téléphone +33 (0) 387 847 300 Télécopieur +33 (0) 387 847 301 info.fr@hubacontrol.com Huba Control AG Branch Office United Kingdom Unit 13 Berkshire House County Park Business Centre Shrivenham Road Swindon Wiltshire SN1 2NR Phone +44 (0) 1993 776667 Fax +44 (0) 1993 776671 info.uk@hubacontrol.com 5/5 Huba Control type 652 - Technical data subject to change - Edition 05/2016
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 5Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche HUBA CONTROL
Sensore sommergibile 711
5 Pagine
506 OEM Trasduttore di pressione
5 Pagine
23 Pagine
Digital Indicating Device 801
4 Pagine
Digital Indicating Device 800
5 Pagine
Pressure level transmitter 712
6 Pagine
410 Force cell
3 Pagine
OEM Flowsensor for Liquids
8 Pagine