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Sensori di pressione differenziali Sensori di pressione differenziali Tipe 664 The pressure transmitter type 664 is designed for low pressure measurements in air and neutral gases environments. The type 664 is based on silicon technology with good accuracy and long term performance characteristics. The compact housing dimensions of the type 664 makes suitable for applications where the size plays an important role, it is also provided with I2C digital output additionally to analogue and ratiometric outputs. Campi di pressione -5 ... 5 mbar / 0 ... 5 – 2000 mbar + output signal is temperature compensated (from -20 ºC up to +70 ºC),linearized and amplified + Facile e veloce il montaggio su PCB + Robust design Huba Control Tipe 664 | Technische Änderungen vorbehalten | Edition 08/2020
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Dati tecnici Campi di pressione Relativo e differenza Absoluto Barometrischer Sensor Condizioni operative Media 5 ... 50 mbar Einseitig zulässige Überlast 100 ... 2000 mbar 5 ... 50 mbar Berstdruck 100 ... 2000 mbar Media / Ambiente Temperatura Stoccaggio Materiale a contatto con i media alloggiamento Substrat Messelement Klebstoffe Kunststoffverschraubung LCP Keramik Al2O3 (96%) Silizium Silicone , Epoxy PC Dati elettrici Uscita Alimentazione Carico 0.5 ... 4.5 V 8.5 ... 30 VDC > 10 kOhm (contre GND) 3-Leiter ratiom. 10 ... 90% 2.7 ... 5.5 VDC > 10 kOhm (contre GND) 5-Leiter Digitale I2CTM...
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Accessori (forniti separatamente) Stecker RAST 2.5 mit Kabel 30 cm Stecker RAST 2.5 mit Kabel 110 cm Stecker RAST 2.5 mit Kabel 150 cm Kalibrierzertifikat AMP-Stecker 2) Hersteller-Bestellnummer Farbe für Litzenquerschnitt 3-829868-3 grau 7 x 0.20 mm = 0.22 mm2 12 x 0.20 mm = 0.35 mm2 1-966194-3 beige 7 x 0.25 mm = 0.35 mm2 Stecker mit Kabel IN = rot OUT = gelb GND = schwarz Empfohlene Schläuche für Schlauchstutzen Ø 4.8 mm: Materiale: Silikon für Kunststoffverschraubung: Ø interno: 4 mm Ø externo: 6 mm Temperatura: -40 ... +85 ºC max. pressione: 0.5 bar Materiale: Ø interno: Øexterno:...
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Headquarters Schweiz Ufficio Italia e Svizzera Italiana Niederlassung Deutschland Vestiging Nederland Succursale France Branch Office United Kingdom Unit 13 Berkshire House, County Park Technopôle Forbach-Sud Business Centre, Shrivenham Road
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 4Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche HUBA CONTROL
Sensore sommergibile 711
5 Pagine
506 OEM Trasduttore di pressione
5 Pagine
23 Pagine
Digital Indicating Device 801
4 Pagine
Digital Indicating Device 800
5 Pagine
Pressure level transmitter 712
6 Pagine
410 Force cell
3 Pagine
OEM Flowsensor for Liquids
8 Pagine