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HW VENTILATION S.R.L. Viale dei Kennedy 81/83 - 20027 RESCALDINA (MI) - Italy Certified site: Viale dei Kennedy 81/83-20027 RESCALDINA (MI) - Italy Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. certifies that the Management System of the above organisation has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below Design and manufacturing of equipments and components for industrial ventilation. IAF: 17 Original cycle start date: Expiry date of previous cycle: Certification / Recertification Audit date: Certification / Recertification cycle start date: Subject to the continued satisfactory operation of the organization’s Management System, this certificate expires on: Issue Date: GIORGIO LANZAFAME - Local Technical Manager Certification body address: Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A., Viale Monza, 347 - 20126 Milano, Italia Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the management system requirements may be obtained by consulting the organisation. To check the validity of this certificate please double click or scan QR CODE
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 1Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche HW Ventilation
Sistemi ventola-frizione
8 Pagine
Ventole per essiccatoi
4 Pagine
Profilo aziendale
8 Pagine
ATEX certificate
1 Pagine
ATEX ventilators brochure
4 Pagine
Q fan case study
8 Pagine
ErP Directive Motors 2009
9 Pagine
ErP Directive Fans 2011
14 Pagine
QUALYFAN user manual
20 Pagine
Metal Axial Ventilators
10 Pagine