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In 1907 Mr Amedeo Tormene began his entrepreneurial activity by opening a workshop for designing and manufacturing precision patterns for foundries. In 1930 his sons TORMENE Tristano, Otello and Poliuto increased their line of business implementing their own foundry and machine shop for producing components of special steel (gas pressure regulators, valves etc.) and burners for rotary kilns. At the end of sixties of the last century, following in Tristano’s footsteps, Carlo Tormene has specialized in gas burners and industrial ovens for a lot of different application processes, so Idrocalor...
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IDROCALOR -TORMENE 1907- INDUSTRIAL OVENS Since 1907 With severa! years experience in industriai processes Idrocalor offers a complete line of industria! ovens designed and manufactured on customer specifications. For more than 50 years our Ovens have been partners of a large number of industria! processes, from Europe to Middle East, from Russia to America, representing technology, reliability and efficiency for your production process. L' esperienza pluriennale maturata nel campo dei processi industriali ci consentono di offrire linee complete di forni industriali, progettati e...
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F R O M P L A N T O R E A L I Z A T I O N Thanks to our long experience in customized products we aim to customer’s satisfaction starting from the designing phase. Our technical staff, working in a strict cooperation with customer, will work out the oven to fit his needs, because each one of our ovens is planned and made to be unique. Designing in a strict cooperation with the customer guarantees the development of a product that is worked out ad-hoc according to the needs of the same customer, who follows as an active party all the designing phases. D A L L’ I D E A A L L A R E A L I Z Z A...
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T H E Q U A L I T Y O F O U R H E A T All our ovens are subjected to strict and rigorous test procedures to assure the perfect functionality, performances and observance of the safety and environmental rules. Each oven is carefully tested by our technicians in order to guarantee an uniform distribution of air flow and temperature inside the oven. After the start up of the oven our technicians make sure that customer has fully understood each part of the plant and how it works thanks to a complete training. I forni Idrocalor vengono sottoposti a duri test di collaudo che ne verificano il...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 5
Idrocalor is specialized in designing and manufacturing of industrial ovens for a lot of different application fields, for an operating temperature of 50 to 1200 °C. The quality of Idrocalor ovens ensures a uniform and reliable thermal treatment for your product, as well as a total safety for your operators even when an Atex Certification is required. Idrocalor è specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di forni industriali su specifiche del cliente per le più svariate applicazioni. La gamma delle temperature di lavoro va da 50 a 1200 °C. Le caratteristiche dei nostri forni...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 6
Ranging from batch to continuous, electric or gas ovens, our engineering staff is able to choose and design the most suitable solution for your application. Il nostro staff tecnico è in grado di scegliere e progettare il tipo di forno - statico o continuo, a gas o elettrico - più idoneo alla vostra produzione. Our Ovens are used for finishing powder coating, surface coating, from vulcanization of rubber and silicon seals to the dry treatment of composite materials, for dry, oil and encapsulating transformers, electrical motors, resistances, power cables, etc. I nostri forni vengono...
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I D R O C A L O R s.r.l. Via L. Einaudi 38, 35030 Saccolongo (PD) - Italy
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