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Leica FS C Leica FS CB Leica FS4000 The next generation of forensic | comparison instruments.
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Comparison microscope for forensic i nvestigations by Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, 1925 Monocular comparison microscope by Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, year of construction 1955
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A success story in forensics Leica Microsystems can look back on a long and successful tradition in f orensics that goes back to the 1920s. At the time, Otto Metzger, Director of the "Chemical Investigation Authority" in Stuttgart, Germany, awarded Leitz in Wetzlar the contract to build a comparison microscope suitable for studying two bullets or cartridge cases at the same magnification. The problem was solved by developing a “micro comparison bridge” and fitting it to two standard microscopes from the product range of the time. The experience thus gained was applied to the development of...
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Split or superimposed images – the new comparison bridge offers both at the touch of a button. Full left/right image: if a direct comparison is not required, this mode permits razor-sharp full-image views without distractions. The width and position of the dividing line can be varied as required in the splitimage comparison or set as a strip in which the two images are superimposed. Differences are indicated in colors in superimposed mode. Complementary color filters show the specimens in their original colors only in places where no structural differences exist. The motorized comparison...
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The bridge from suspicion to proof: Forensic Solution Comparison Bridge Proof is often hidden in a minute detail. The new comparison bridge permits even faster and easier comparison of e vidence thanks to optimized comparison technologies with maximum ease of use. Regardless of whether your evidence consists of hair, fibers, cartridge cases or tool marks – you are well-equipped for any case with all known contrast and illumination methods at your disposal. The Leica FS CB comparison bridge fulfills every requirement for unambiguous identification: identical magnification, reproducible...
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Our partnership with leading forensics laboratories worldwide has led to a forensics instrument that sets new standards: the Leica FS C – for “Forensic Solution Comparison”. The results of your requests: Leica FS C In addition to its outstanding ergonomics and ultrarugged design, the Leica FS C offers a number of revolutionary technical innovations such as motorized control of both stages and focus drives. Thanks to this motorization, the stages and drives can be synchronized, permitting multifocus images to be captured automatically by the LAS software – for investigations of sloping...
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Leica DM4 B – everything at the touch of a button The Leica DM4 B complements perfectly the micro comparison bridge. Its fully automatic light management, integrated Variolux color module, Perfect for splitting hairs: Leica FS4000 selected optics pairs and reproducible illumination ensure you the greatest possible comparison reliability. Overview of the Leica FS4000 Contrast methods are available at the touch of a button, while the microscope parameters are a utomatically stored by the software. The results are thus reproducible at any time. For “craftspersons”: the manual DM2500 with...
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The Leica DFC-series digital cameras Leica DFC digital cameras are the seeing link b etween our microscopes and the software. Their fast USB links guarantee fast live image response times. The Leica Application Suite The Leica Application Suite (LAS) is included with all Leica comparison instruments. It controls the camera, captures and manages images, and even supports measurements of the live image. The LAS core version includes everything you need to r ecord and document specimens. And that’s not all: numerous special applications can be integrated as modules for untold additional...
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An investigation is only as valuable as its documentation. Capture images, record comments, add measuring scales and create montages to reinforce your findings. The Leica LAS software provides you insights that would remain hidden without computer technology. Set new standards with your reports! Motorized Multifocus module It is only naturai that depth of field decreases as magnification increases until only a tiny part of a specimen is visible in focus. As result, it is practically impossible to record and document an uneven specimen in its entirety. _ Motorized Multistep module A further...
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The motorized Z column, the heightadjustable work table and adjustable angle of the observation tube help ensure relaxed, atigue-free work – regardless of f the hysical size of the user. p The bright, crystal-clear Leica optics are easy on the eyes, while the variable viewing angle of 0° to 35° lets all users assume a relaxed posture. The Leica DM4 and DM6 microscopes feature intuitive operation coupled with an appropriate degree of utomation and an a easy-to-read status display. Ergonomics are not a luxury An optimally-configured workstation is essential for maximum concentration. We have...
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One thing is absolutely clear – our objectives Some prints or tool marks are so clear that a magnifying glass would suffice for a positive identification. And then there are cases that demand the utmost from forensics experts and their comparison microscopes – clues that are so small and complex that they approach optical limits. Optics are a decisive factor in such situations. Their quality and resolution can deliver the decisive margin of safety – and thus the basis for a conclusive "yes" or "no". Do not settle for compromises – trust in the legendary quality of Leica objectives. Leica...
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It all fits perfectly Cold light, soft source, optical wave-guide transition, LED spot, mini ring light or power LED: the niversal lighting mount can accommodate any u light source and allows it to be rotated around the object by 360°. The articulated arm permits easy adjustment to the left or right comparison beam path. The light cone remains positioned precisely on the object field when moving the object. The light source installation is optimized for use with automatic multifocus, as it precisely follows the movement of the Z drives. Naturally, provision has also been made for...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 14Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Leica Microsystems GmbH
Mateo FL Flyer IT
2 Pagine
UC Enuity Product-Brochure
8 Pagine
Leica M50, M60, M80
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XL Stand
4 Pagine
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LED3000 DI
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LED5000 RL
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LED3000 RL
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M320 F12 for ENT
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M620 TTS
4 Pagine
M220 F12
8 Pagine
4 Pagine
M620 F20
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M822 F40 / F20
20 Pagine
M844 F40 / F20
16 Pagine
Proveo 8
16 Pagine
8 Pagine
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M525 F20
12 Pagine
Leica M530 OHX
16 Pagine
Leica CaptiView
4 Pagine
Leica GLOW800
4 Pagine
Leica ARveo
16 Pagine
Leica PROvido
8 Pagine
LAS X Steel Expert
4 Pagine
Leica Map
12 Pagine
Leica DFC295
4 Pagine
Leica MZ10 F
4 Pagine
Leica M165 FC
16 Pagine
12 Pagine
Leica DMi1
2 Pagine
Leica FS CB
20 Pagine
Leica DM3000 / DM3000 LED
16 Pagine
Leica DM750
12 Pagine
Leica DM500
12 Pagine
Leica DM300
8 Pagine
Leica DM1750 M
12 Pagine
Leica FS4000 LED
20 Pagine
Leica DM2000 / DM2000 LED
16 Pagine
Leica DM1000 LED
16 Pagine
Leica DM2500 & DM2500 LED
16 Pagine
Leica DMC2900
6 Pagine
Leica DMC6200
8 Pagine
Leica DMC5400
4 Pagine
Leica Z6 APO
16 Pagine
Leica Z16 APO
16 Pagine
Leica M205 FCA / M205 FA
16 Pagine
Leica DM2700 M
12 Pagine
Leica A60 S /Leica A60 F
16 Pagine
12 Pagine
Leica M50/M60/M80
12 Pagine
Leica DM750 M
12 Pagine
Leica A60 S/A60 F
16 Pagine
DVM6 Brochure en
16 Pagine
Water Immersion Micro Dispenser
2 Pagine
4 Pagine
DI C800
2 Pagine
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Leica M525 OH4
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Leica M720 OH5
24 Pagine
Leica M530 OH6
16 Pagine
Leica LMD Software
16 Pagine
Leica Cleanliness Expert
4 Pagine
Leica LAS X Industry
4 Pagine
Leica LAS X Life Science
4 Pagine
Leica EM CPD300
12 Pagine
Leica EM TP
4 Pagine
Leica EM VCT500
2 Pagine
Leica EM ACE900
12 Pagine
Leica EM ACE200
12 Pagine
Leica EM KMR3
8 Pagine
Leica EM AFS2
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Leica EM ICE
12 Pagine
16 Pagine
2 Pagine
Leica SP8 DIVE
20 Pagine
Leica K5
2 Pagine
Leica DFC3000 G
6 Pagine
Leica EC4
4 Pagine
Leica DFC7000 T / DFC7000 GT
4 Pagine
Leica DFC9000
2 Pagine
THUNDER Imager Model Organism
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THUNDER Imager Tissue
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Leica FS M
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Leica DM1000
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Leica DM4 B & DM6 B
16 Pagine
Leica DM12000 M
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Leica DM8000 M
8 Pagine
Leica DM4 P, DM2700 P, DM750 P
12 Pagine
Leica EM ACE600
12 Pagine
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Leica EM TRIM2
8 Pagine
Leica EM TIC 3X
16 Pagine
Leica EM TXP
10 Pagine
DMi8 M / C / A
12 Pagine
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Leica StereoZoom line
20 Pagine
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TCS SP8 Objective
24 Pagine
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Leica DM3 XL
7 Pagine
Leica DMi8 S
12 Pagine
Leica DM4 M/ DM6 M
12 Pagine