Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM


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Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM - 1


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Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM - 2

Items incluidos Pack Mecanización DUAL SYSTEM Feed Drive Module Modulo DUAL SYSTEM Feed Drive Módulo DUAL SYSTEM Main Power Drive Modulo DUAL SYSTEM Feed Drive DUAL SYSTEM Feed Drive Module Módulo DUAL SYSTEM Feed Drive Pannello di Controllo Avanzamento Feed Control Panel Mando de Control de avance Cavo di alimentazione per CAV Feed Control Panel Cable Cable de alimentación para CAV Barra Porta Utensili ø40mm x 1000mm Boring Bar ø40mm x 1000mm Barra Porta Herramienta ø40mm x 1000 Maucotools Locking System (MLS) Maucotools Locking System (MLS) Maucotools Locking System (MLS) Kit Centraggio...

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Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM - 3

Items incluidos Pack Mecanización Kit Completo Chiavi di servizio Complete Kit of Wrenches and tools Kit Completo de llaves de servicios Cavo di alimentazione 220V Power Cable 220V Cable de alimentación 220V Porta Utensile Ø16mm SMALL Tool Holder Ø16mm SMALL Porta Herramienta Ø16mm SMALL Porta Utensile Ø16mm MEDIUM Tool Holder Ø16mm MEDIUM Porta Herramienta Ø16mm MEDIUM Porta Utensile Ø16mm BIG Tool Holder Ø16mm BIG Porta Herramienta Ø16mm BIG Inserti per barenatura in metallo duro Coated Boring Inserts Herramientas en metal duro Vite Torx per inserti Torx screw for boring inserts Tornillos...

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Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM - 4

Items incluidos Pack Mecanización Cavalletto Porta Alesatrice Portatile Machine Stand Stand para Barrenadora Portátil Cassa metallica “Red Maucotools” Metallic case “Red Maucotools” Caja metálica “Rojo Maucotools”

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Alesatrice Portatile OB-200 DUAL SYSTEM - 5

World Headquarter Località Serramonda Z.I. 88044 Marcellinara (CZ) Italy (+39) 0961 1956724

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