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wm. omil.it info@ (dmil.it Gripping systems and automation - Range of operating pressure: 2 - 8 bar - Repeatability accuracy: MPO 030 ... 125 0.01 mm; MPO - 160 0.02 mm over 100 cycles - Operating temperature: from -10°C to 90°C; version up to 130°C upon request - Operating principle: wedge-hook kinematics - Housing material: high tensile hard-coated aluminium alloy, hard-anodized - Material of functional parts: treated ground steel - Actuation: pneumatic, with filtered compressed air (10 pm): dry, lubricated or non-lubricated (DIN ISO 8573-1: 644) - Maintenance: no maintenance required for the first 1.5 million cycles - Suitable for internal/external gripping - Maximum permitted finger offset page 17 - Layout finger connection page 18 - Air connections: sides and base - M5 pressurisation on both sides - Wiederholgenauigkeit: MPO 030...125 0.01 mm; MPO - 160 0.02 mm uber 100 Schaltspiele - Betriebstemperaturbereich von -10°C bis 90°C; bis 130°C und hoher auf Anfrage - Kinematik: Keilhakenprinzip zwangsgefuhrt uber schrage Ebene - Material: Gehause aus hochfester Aluminiumlegierung hartbeschichtet, Funktionsteile aus gehartetem Stahl - Betatigung: pneumatish, uber gefilterte Druckluft (10 pm): trocken, geolt oder ungeolt (DIN ISO 8573-1: 644) - Fur Innen-und AuBengreifen geeignet - Diagram der empfohlenen Hebel und Fingerlangen Seite 17 - AnschlussmaBe der Grundbacken Seite 18 - Druckluftanschlusse: uber die Seitenflachen-Grundflachen QMiL Via A. De Francisco 128- Tel. +-39.011.8211.11.81 - Fax +-39.011.895.44.62 - 10036 Settimo T.se (To) - Italy
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Gripping Gripping systems systems and automation and automation www.omil.it www.omil.it info@omil.it info@omil.it 2-finger parallel grippers, pneumatic - series MPO 2-Finger-Parallelgreifer, pneumatisch - Typ MPO NOTE: - The part does not allow adjustment of the proximity that controls opening/closing - Proximity “A” controls closing from the start to the middle of the stroke - Proximity “B” controls opening from the middle to the end of the stroke 20 ANMERKUNG: - Reine Endlagen abfrage ohne Einstellbarkeit - Näherungsschalter A von Hubbeginn bis Hubmitte - Näherungsschalter B von Hubmitte...
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www.omil.it www.omil.it info@omil.it info@omil.it Max Stroke Mass Moment Recommended Total air for Max Approx. time (s) Max Gripping force Max Ma Stroke Stroke Moment Recommended Moment Recommended finger Total air for Total air air forstroke Approx. time Approx. (s) (s) finger time (s) time Stroke Stroke Moment Moment Recommended Recommended Total for Total air for for Type Gripping of inertia weight of part double Mass Mass force Gripping force Approx. time Approx. (s) finger Mass Mass Gripping force Gripping force (Kg) at 6 (N) finger fing for for Type Type of inertia weight of part of...
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Gripping Gripping systems systems and automation and automation www.omil.it www.omil.it info@omil.it info@omil.it 2-finger parallel grippers, pneumatic - series MPO 2-Finger-Parallelgreifer, pneumatisch - Typ MPO Via A. Via De Francisco A. De Francisco 128 - Tel. 128+39.011.821.11.81 - Tel. +39.011.821.11.81 - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - 10036- 10036 Settimo Settimo T.se (To) T.se - Italy (To) - Italy
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wm. omil.it info@ (dmil.it Gripping systems and automation Transportable weight calculated with ^ = 0.1 and fs = 2. With form-fit gripping the mass may be greater. The gripping force is the arithmetic sum of the individual forces created at the fingers at "l" mm distance at 6 bar Finger weight in Kg. Empfehlung fur max. Werkstuckgewicht gerechnet mit ^ = 0.1 fs = 2 . Bei Formschluss sind groBere Massen moglich. Die Greifkraft ist die arithmetische Summe der an den Greifbacken auftretenden Einzelkrafte im Abstand "l" in mm bei 6 bar Eigenmasse in Kg. QMiL Via A. De Francisco 128- Tel....
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Gripping Gripping systems systems and automation and automation www.omil.it www.omil.it info@omil.it info@omil.it 2-finger parallel grippers, pneumatic - series MPO 2-Finger-Parallelgreifer, pneumatisch - Typ MPO Via A. Via De Francisco A. De Francisco 128 - Tel. 128+39.011.821.11.81 - Tel. +39.011.821.11.81 - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - 10036- 10036 Settimo Settimo T.se (To) T.se - Italy (To) - Italy
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wm. omil.it info@ (dmil.it 2-finger paratie! grippers, pneumatic - series MPO 2-Finger-Parallelgreifer, pneumatisch - Typ MPO Type Transportable weight calculated with p = 0.1 and fs = 2. With form-fit gripping the mass may be greater. The gripping force is the arithmetic sum of the individual forces created at the fingers at "l" mm distance at 6 bar Finger weight in Kg. Empfehlung fur max. Werkstuckgewicht gerechnet mit p = 0.1 fs = 2 . Bei Formschluss sind groBere Massen moglich. Die Greifkraft ist die arithmetische Summe der an den Greifbacken auftretenden Einzelkrafte im Abstand "l" in...
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Gripping systems and automation The indicatedforceandmomentarestaticvalues,applyperbase jaw and may occur simultaneously. MR may arise in additional to the moment generated by thegrippingforceitself. | Allowed load data Die angegebenen Krafte und Momente sind statische Werte, gelten je Grundbacke und durfen gleichzeitig auftreten. MR darf zusatzlich zu dem durch die Greifkraft erzeugten Moment auftreten.
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www.omil.it www.omil.it info@omil.it info@omil.it Gripping systems and automation Gripping systems and automation 2-finger parallel grippers, pneumatic - series MPO 2-Finger-Parallelgreifer, pneumatisch - Typ MPO Force at 6 bar in N at I mm Greifkraft (N) in Abhängigkeit der Fingerlänge “l” (mm) bei 6 bar MPO 040 030 MPO 27 De Francisco 128+39.011.821.11.81 - Tel. +39.011.821.11.81 - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - 10036 Settimo T.se- Italy (To) - Italy Via A. Via De A. Francisco 128 - Tel. - Fax +39.011.895.44.62 - 10036 Settimo T.se
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Gripping systems and automation NOTE: Minimum operating pressure 4.5 bar. Upon request versions with less pressure; in this case the spring force will be lower. Gripping force = pneumatic gripping force + spring force. The gripping force is the arithmetic sum of the individual forces of the fingers. Bemerkung: Betriebsdruck mindestens 4.5 bar Die Greifkraft ergibt sich aus der pneumatischen Greifkraft + Federkraft Die Greifkraft ist die arithmetische Summe der an den Greifbacken auftretenden Einzelkrafte im Abstand “l" bei 6 bar 28 QMU. Via A. De Fra ncisco 1218! - Tel. +39.011.821.11.8 1 -...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 10Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche OMIL
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serie PGP
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GPL 2-finger parallel gripper
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OPP 2 2-finger parallel gripper
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Stationary Clamping Systems
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Sensor switch
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Top jaws blanks
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Pneumatic clamping tombstone
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