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Work with the best.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Gentilissimi Signori, We guarantee continuity and innovation, which is why you will find both brand new and triedand-tested quality products in our catalog. All the products offered by PB Swiss Tools guarantee a convincing customer experience. The necessary prerequisites are created by the people who are committed to the brand, using their knowledge and skills to develop and produce both new and proven products: Work with the best. We can fulfill individual wishes with MY TOOL. You as a customer can design your own personal tool with our support: not only the design is...
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WORK WITH THE BEST Our high-quality products provide you with everything you need to be able to carry out your work efficiently both today and in the future. Con i nostri prodotti di qualità disponete di tutto quanto vi occorre per eseguire con successo il vostro lavoro oggi e in futuro. We have over 140 years of tool expertise. We have always delivered reliable quality that has been thoroughly thought out – down to the last detail: 100% Swiss Made. Vantiamo più di 140 d’esperienza nel campo degli utensili. Da sempre forniamo una qualità affidabile e pensata nei minimi dettagli: 100% Swiss...
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We develop our solutions together with our customers and by responding to their needs. We make a point of being inquisitive to assist us in focusing on driving innovation. Sviluppiamo le nostre soluzioni insieme e a fianco dei nostri clienti. Siamo quindi sempre alla ricerca di novità e puntiamo sull’innovazione. Professionals all over the world put their faith in our products. For many years, we have been a partner of pioneering trading companies and leading trade specialists. At a global level, we provide customer service of the highest standard. I professionisti di tutto il mondo hanno...
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SAC MONTE ROSA HUT RIFUGIO CAS MONTE ROSA The Monte Rosa Hut owned and operated by the SAC (Swiss Alpine Club) reflects the surrounding landscape and the light of the Alps in its aluminium façade. The exclusive design and the technology housed within were developed by Prof Dr Meinrad K. Eberle together with students from the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). In terms of its energy management capabilities, the building is a pioneering achievement and is also used by ETH as a research object in energy and building technology. Il rifugio del CAS (Club Alpino Svizzero) della...
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Shooting Location 2883 m SAC Monte Rosa Zermatt, VS Switzerland MAKING-OF PHOTO SHOOTING Zermatt, 16-19 April 2018 At approximately 3000 m above mean sea level, there was little snow due to the moderate temperatures. The overriding priority was the safety of all the participants. At all the locations, many of them very exposed, both the photographer and models were professionally secured. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to hut manager Peter Rubin and his team for their excellent support. Zermatt, 16-19 aprile 2018 A circa 3000 m s.l. m. c’era poca neve perché le temperature...
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Lifetime Guarantee LIFETIME GUARANTEE GARANZIA A VITA Serial number ensures lifetime guarantee* All PB Swiss Tools handtools – with very few exceptions dictated by technical issues – are marked with a unique serial number. Where necessary, we can trace all the production steps right back to the raw material used in their production. This is a hallmark of our unique quality. Use our website to discover when your PB Swiss Tools product passed the quality control inspection at the factory. Our application shows you the date of the final inspection and the database goes right back to 1992....
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Lifetime Guarantee EFFECTIVE QUALITY INSPECTION EFFICACE CONTROLLO QUALITÀ The process for consistent high quality of PB Swiss Tools assumes a quality-oriented approach and discipline of all employees. Since we produce all of our products in our own plants, our quality control is complete. Material and stock receipt inspection Prior to production, we inspect the delivered material. We verify whether the raw material meets the specifications of our tough, hard spring steel according to our own recipe. Process and final inspection Our experts conduct strict quality controls during the entire...
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Lifetime Guarantee
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Lifetime Guarantee MATERIAL INFORMATION INFORMAZIONI SUI MATERIALI PB Swiss Tools special alloy For the production of PB Swiss Tools tools, we use a special spring steel produced especially for us. A very high hardness value (58–60 HRC) and a unique durability and springiness characterize our wear-resistant special steel which we have developed through the decades with our steel suppliers. PB Swiss Tools handles Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) is a natural material derived from wood which we use for crafting the PB Swiss Tools Classic and multicraft handles. Since CAB can develop an...
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CLOSE CONTACT WITH CUSTOMERS IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS LA VICINANZA AL CLIENTE È LA CHIAVE DEL NOSTRO SUCCESSO Customers are able to apply our new solutions in their applications – and this is our objective when we implement an idea in a new product or process that has not existed before. We frequently discover new impetus at our customers’ places of work. We make a point of being inquisitive to focus on reviewing our product range to enhance it. In addition to gradual improvements, we pursue the development of new technologies that have great potential for change – we want our solutions to...
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Innovations you can count on Innovazione per un effettivo valore aggiunto Very short key part 90°–100° Stelo ultracorto 90°–100° Safe surface Superficie Safety Very short key part 100° Stelo ultracorto 100° RainBow color coding Codice colore RainBow Ball point Punta sferica Base model Modello base Easier to access, kind to the hands Avvitamenti flessibili, meno faticosi per le mani Firmer turning, non-slip working Presa più elevata, antiscivolo Easier to access, kind to the hands Avvitamenti migliori, meno faticosi per le mani Find faster and more effectively Ricerca veloce e bella da vedersi...
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