Gruppo: Moovimenta

Estratti del catalogo

Servo riduttori (a vite, coassiali, assi paralleli e ortogonali) Servo gear reducers (worm, coaxial, helical and bevel helical units)
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Your worldwide partner Your worldwide partner Your worldwide partner for high quality solutions Your worldwide partner for high quality solutions Product range Simboli e unità di misura Symbols and units of measure Servo riduttori a vite Worm servo gear reducers 3.1 Caratteristiche 3.2 Designazione 3.3 Tabelle di selezione (MR) 3.1 Specifications 3.2 Designation 3.3 Selection tables (MR) 3.4 Esecuzioni, dimensioni, forme costruttive e quantità d'olio (MR) 3.4 Designs, dimensions, mounting positions and oil quantities (MR) 3.6 Esecuzioni, dimensioni, forme costruttive e quantità d'olio (R)...
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Your worldwide partner for high quality solutions Year of foundation as family business and today still privately owned First in Italy to adopt a complete modular system for gear reducers with cylindrical and bevel gears; first in Italy to adopt case-hardened, tempered, ground gear pairs on parallel and right angle shaft gear reducers Worm gear reducers and gearmotors with universal mounting, single-piece housing and ZI involute profile; extension of the direct sales organization abroad with the facilities of the German, English, French and Spanish subsidiaries. Parallel and right angle shaft...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 5
What we do Our wide standard product range and design allows us to provide the customer with the right engineered solution for every application including a 3 year worldwide warranty. Gearmotors Type of gear Worm gearmotors Standardfit worm gearmotors Coaxial gearmotors Standardfit coaxial gearmotors Helical and bevel helical gear reducers Planetary (in-line and bevel helical) gearmotors Gear reducers Type of gear Worm gear reducers Helical gear reducers Bevel Helical gear reducers Heavy duty helical gear reducers Heavy duty bevel helical gear reducers Planetary (in-line and bevel helical)...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 6
Motors Type Asynchronous three-phase high efficiency and premium efficiency motors Standard and high efficiency brake motors Motion control Type Worm, coaxial, helical and bevel helical servo gear reducers Specific industrial segments Type Extruders, Parallel shaft gear reducers and gearmotors Combined units Slewing drives Heavy duty gear reducers on swing bases
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Where you can find us Close to our customers in all five continents, with a direct sale system granting excellence in service: visit our new website for your country reference. We are where you need us to be. What we believe in Choosing the drive with the right technical specifications is vital for reliability and economy. We believe in integrity, ethical behavior, knowledge, imagination, innovation, good teamwork and above all customer focus: these are some of Rossi’s major key success factors. Rossi is a reliable company with the right flexibility and knowhow to respond to all market...
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Ampia gamma di servo riduttori senza motore in esecuzione specifica per automazione, con minimi ingombri. Dimensionati in ogni parte per la massima rigidezza torsionale e il minimo gioco angolare, per elevati momenti torcenti e carichi radiali Wide range of servo gear boxes without motor specifically designed for motion control, with minimum overall dimensions. Designed for the highest torsional stiffness and the lowest angular backlash, for the maximum torque and overhung loads Bush with slots and hub clamp for servo motor coupling Bussola con intagli e collare di bloccaggio per...
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Flange standard per attacco servomotori Albero veloce: collegamento servo motore mediante giunto con elastomero, torsionalmente rigido Input shaft: with torsionally rigid elastomer coupling Output shaft: smooth solid shaft with or without key; hollow shaft with keyway or with shrink discs Albero lento: integrale con o senza linguetta; cavo con cava linguetta o con unità di bloccaggio • Programma di fabbricazione e tipologia di prodotti in grado di garantire l'accoppiabilità con tutti i servo motori presenti sul mercato, con prodotti standard • Elevata stabilità e rigidezza del collegamento...
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Pagina lasciata intenzionalmente bianca This page is intentionally left blank
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Product range Serie di servo riduttori (a vite, coassiali, ad assi paralleli e ortogonali) senza motore in esecuzione specifica SR per automazione, dimensionati in ogni parte per la massima rigidezza torsionale e il minimo gioco angolare, per trasmettere elevati momenti torcenti e sopportare elevati carichi sull'estremità d'albero lento Series of servo gearmotors (with worm gear, coaxial, parallel and right angle shafts) without motors, in a specific design SR for motion control, carefully designed for the highest torsional stiffness and the lowest angular backlash, to transmit maximum...
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Product range Gioco massimo: – ridotto р 7 arcmin n1max = 3 550 min-1 Grandezze: - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento diretto 32 ... 81 - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento con campana e giunto 40 ... 126 Rotismi: V, IV Rapporti: - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento diretto 7 ... 239 - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento con campana e giunto 7 ... 127 MA2 р 2 700 N m Max backlash: – reduced ഛ 7 arcmin n1max = 3 550 min-1 Sizes: - servo gear boxes direct coupling 32 ... 81 - servo gear boxes with bell housing and coupling 40 ... 126 Gear stage: V, IV Ratios: - servo gear boxes direct coupling 7 ......
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Product range Assi paralleli Parallel shafts Gioco massimo: – ridotto р 7 arcmin n1max = 3 550 min-1 Grandezze: - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento diretto 40 ... 125 - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento con campana e giunto 50 ... 125 Rotismi: 2I, 3I Rapporti: - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento diretto 6,42 ... 110 - servo riduttori ad accoppiamento con campana e giunto 6,42 ... 123 MA2 р 3 000 N m Max backlash: – reduced ഛ 7 arcmin n1max = 3 550 min-1 Sizes: - servo gear boxes direct coupling 40 ... 125 - servo gear boxes with bell housing and coupling 50 ... 125 Gear stage: 2I, 3I Ratios: -...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 15Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Rossi S.p.A.
Food & beverage industry IT
32 Pagine
Construction industry IT
28 Pagine
Sugar industry IT
22 Pagine
Mining industry
36 Pagine
Marine industry
24 Pagine
Metal industry
24 Pagine
Waste & water industry
32 Pagine
Company Profile
60 Pagine
Product overview
36 Pagine
L series catalog
30 Pagine
A series catalog
124 Pagine
TX series catalog
224 Pagine
S serie catalog
24 Pagine
G series catalog
476 Pagine
H series catalog
136 Pagine
AS series catalog
62 Pagine
GX series catalog
36 Pagine
E series catalog
104 Pagine
EP series catalog
763 Pagine
EP KING series
24 Pagine
EPS series catalog
64 Pagine
P series catalog
23 Pagine
Extruders for plastic & rubber
44 Pagine
High efficiency Motors TX HeGen
232 Pagine