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A WORLD OF POWER UN MONDO DI POTENZA Two letters, a whole world. XT is the line designed for those demanding maximum strength in the most extreme uses, for those seeking exceptional performance, for those wishing to push beyond the usual results. Products where efficiency, comfortable handling and easy use become daily and irreplaceable allies. Due lettere, un intero mondo. XT è la linea pensata per chi esige massima resistenza negli utilizzi più estremi, per chi cerca performance eccezionali, per chi vuole andare oltre i soliti risultati. Prodotti dove efficienza, maneggevolezza e facilità...
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BEYOND THE USUAL RESULTS OLTRE I SOLITI RISULTATI STRENGTH: designed to resist impact during the most challenging works or the hardest transport. ROBUSTEZZA: progettate per resistere agli urti durante i lavori più sfidanti o i trasporti più impegnativi. VERSATILITY: they ensure an eXTreme cut on all conductive materials, allow you to work even without a compressor (mod. 54 XT kompressor) and are equipped with numerous advanced functions (mod. 60 XT). VERSATILITA’: assicurano un taglio eXTreme su tutti i materiali conduttori, consentono di lavorare anche in assenza di un compressore (mod. 54...
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RANGE Metal handle Maniglia in metallo THE EFFICIENCY DETAILS I DETTAGLI DELL’EFFICIENZA Anti-shock bumpers Paraurti antishock XT was designed to deal with any type of work to make everyday operations easier. The metal handle allows a firm, safe grip, for professional use. The anti-shock bumpers make the structure impact-proof, ensuring resistance and duration over time, even in heavy use. The centralized torch connection (DINSE socket Ø 25 mm) facilitates operation. The consumables change signaling guarantees the best performance of the product over time. Consumables change warning XT è...
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EXTREME VERSATILITY ADVANCED FUNCTIONS AND EXTREME POWER VERSATILITÀ EXTREME FUNZIONI AVANZATE E POTENZA EXTREME TECHNOLOGY PLASMA LASMA A Technology Plasma 41 XT is a plasma cutting system with compressed air ideal for r numerous applications and environments, onments, from maintenance to bodyshops. Compact and by intuitive operation it is a on reliable ally for your work. Technology Plasma 60 XT has surprising power and cutting precision. The advanced functions nctions facilitate cutting of discontinuous or grid sheet d metal, as well as working in gouging mode. de. The front panel guides...
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BUILT-IN KOMPRESSOR CON TE. OVUNQUE. QUE. TECHNOLOGY PLASMA A 54 XT KOMPRESSOR Technology Plasma 54 XT is the ideal solution for anyone seeking a versatile product, to e always have with you, without limits. mits. Thanks to the built-in compressor, Technology or, Plasma 54 XT does not require compressed air and is an optimal tool for building site works and in eXTreme environments. ents. Technology Plasma 54 XT è la soluzione ideale per chi vuole un prodotto versatile, da portare sempre con sé, senza limiti. miti. Grazie al compressore integrato, Technology o, Plasma 54 XT non ha bisogno di...
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cod. 989571 - Copyright by Telwin © 2020 - Tutti i diritti riservati. All rights reserved. TELWIN spa Via della Tecnica, 3 - 36030 Villaverla (VI) Italy - Tel. +39 0445 858811
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 7Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche TELWIN
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TELWIN | Gamma Supermig i
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TELWIN | Gamma Linear i
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