TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1)


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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 1

Ver 1.0 HARDNESS TESTER SERIES Regional Agent: Headquarters: Beijing Office: Add: No.38 Shangdi West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100085, China Tel: +86-10-62980816 Fax: +86-10-62985475 E-Mail: niyan@timegroup.com.cn Add: No.24 Jiwei Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250022, China Tel: +86-10-82783720 Fax: +86-10-62980724 Factory Location: JINAN SHIJIN GROUP CO. w w w . s h i j i n . c o m Jinan Office: JINAN SHIJIN GROUP CO. w w w . s h i j i n . c o m

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 2

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 3

CONTENTS w w w . s h i j i n . c o m Micro Vickers Hardness Tester DHV-1000 Micro Vickers Hardness Tester DHV-1000Z Anvil Automatic up / down Digital Micro Vickers Hardness Tester HVS-1000 Digital Micro Vickers Hardness Tester HVS-1000Z Anvil Automatic up / down Digital Micro Vickers Hardness Tester MHV-1000/2000 Digital Micro Vickers Hardness Tester MHV-1000Z Anvil Automatic up / down Digital Touch Panel Display Vicker Hardness Tester XHV-1000 Anvil Automatic up / down Digital Vickers Hardness Tester HVS-30 Digital Vickers Hardness Tester HVS-50 Brinell, Rockwell & Vickers Optical Hardness...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 4

œ New high-tech product integrating mechanical and photoelectrical technologies œ Equipped with a digital microscopeCdirect display of the measuring method, test force, indentation length, hardness value, dwell time of test force œ Camera device can be connected via RS232 interface œ Especially suitable for testing the hardness of micro and thin specimen, fragile material œ By means of a 10× objective and a 40× objective, the tester has wide measurement and high accuracy œ Optional Knoop indenter can be used to measure Knoop hardness value Features: Micro Vickers Hardness Tester DHV-1000...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 5

œ DHV-1000 main unit 1 œ Weights 6 œ Cross testing table 1 œ Platelet fixture 1 œ Plane-holding fixture 1 œ Filament fixture 1 œ Screw driver 2 œ Horizontal regulation screws 4 œ Level 1 œ Knoop indenter œ Grinding machine œ Mosaic machine œ LCD device œ Cutting machine Test Forces (0.098, 0.246, 0.49, 0.98, 1.96, 2.94, 4.90, 9.80) N (10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000) gf Carriage Control: automatic loading / dwell / unloading Amplification of the Microscope 100 ×A 400 × Dwell Time of the Test Force (5-60)s Min. Graduation Value of the Testing Drum Wheel 0.0625um Testing Field 1HV-2967HV...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 6

œ Equipped with auto turret for anti-maloperation‡@ œ New high-tech product integrating mechanical and photoelectrical technologies œ Equipped with a digital microscopeCdirect display of the measuring method, test force, indentation length, hardness value, dwell time of test force œ Camera device can be connected via RS232 interface œ Especially suitable for testing the hardness of micro and thin specimen, fragile material œ By means of a 10× objective and a 40× objective, the tester has wide measurement and high accuracy œ Optional Knoop indenter can be used to measure Knoop hardness value...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 7

œ DHV-1000Z main unit 1 œ Weights 6 œ Cross testing table 1 œ Platelet fixture 1 œ Plane-holding fixture 1 œ Filament fixture 1 œ Screw driver 2 œ Horizontal regulation screws 4 œ Level 1 œ Knoop indenter œ Grinding machine œ Mosaic machine œ LCD device œ Cutting machine Test Forces (0.098, 0.246, 0.49, 0.98, 1.96, 2.94, 4.90, 9.80) N (10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000) gf Carriage Control: automatic loading / dwell / unloading Amplification of the Microscope 100 ×A 400 × Dwell Time of the Test Force (5-60)s Min. Graduation Value of the Testing Drum Wheel 0.0625um Testing Field...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 8

œ New high-tech product integrating mechanical and photoelectrical technologies œ Equipped with a digital microscopeCdirect display of the measuring method, test force, indentation length, hardness value, dwell time of test force œ Camera device can be connected via RS232 interface œ Especially suitable for testing the hardness of micro and thin specimen, fragile material œ By means of a 10x objective and a 40x objective, the tester has wide measurement and high accuracy œ Optional Knoop indenter can be used to measure Knoop hardness value œ Print out testing results through built-in...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 9

œ HVS-1000 main unit 1 œ Weights 6 œ Cross testing table 1 œ Platelet fixture 1 œ Plane-holding fixture 1 œ Filament fixture 1 œ Screw drivers 2 œ Horizontal regulation screws 4 œ Level 1 œ Knoop indenter œ Grinding machine œ Mosaic machine œ LCD device œ Cutting machine Test Forces (0.098, 0.246, 0.49, 0.98, 1.96, 2.94, 4.90, 9.80) N (10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000) gf Carriage Control: automatic loading /dwell / unloading Amplification of the Microscope 100×A 400× Dwell Time of the Test Force (5-60)s Min. Graduation Value of the Testing Drum Wheel 0.0625um Testing Field 1HV-2967HV...

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TIME Group - Hardness Tester (version 1) - 10

œ Equipped with auto turret for anti-maloperation œ New high-tech product integrating mechanical and photoelectrical technologies œ Equipped with a digital microscopeCdirect display of the measuring method, test force, indentation length, hardness value, dwell time of test force œ Camera device can be connected via RS232 interface œ Especially suitable for testing the hardness of micro and thin specimen, fragile material œ By means of a 10x objective and a 40x objective, the tester has wide measurement and high accuracy œ Optional Knoop indenter can be used to measure Knoop hardness value œ...

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche TIME SHIJIN Group

  1. Hardness Tester

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