LAGP170_Unità rotante pneumatica


Estratti del catalogo

LAGP170_Unità rotante pneumatica - 1

LAGP170 Unità rotante pneumatica C = Valvola integrata per ottimizzazione tempo ciclo E = Sensore elettronico con connettore M12 orientabile A = Sensore elettronico con connettore M12 orientabile + sensore elettronico per rilevamento condizione freno V = Verticale 180° O = Orizzontale 90° Z = Verticale, speculare alla posizione V massima apertura angolare 120° P = Orizzontale, speculare alla posizione O massima apertura angolare 60° UNIVER GROUP B = Con blocco di stazionamento W = Senza blocco di stazionamento LAG = Unità rotante con angoli di rotazione determinanti 9 Connessioni _ = Se non specificato lato sinistro (parte sinistra del sensore) D = Lato destro (parte destra del sensore) F = Frontale (di fronte al sensore) P = Posteriore (stesso lato del sensore) Automotive NW_Rev.

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LAGP170_Unità rotante pneumatica - 2

Pneumatic power pivot Passive brake * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor with M12 swivel connector that can be orientated at 0°or 90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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LAGP170_Unità rotante pneumatica - 3

Pneumatic power pivot Passive brake * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° Electronic sensor with M12 swivel connector that can be orientated at 0°or 90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0. Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor with M12 swivel connector that can be orientated at 0°or 90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor with M12 swivel connectorthatcan beorientated at0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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UNIVERSAL Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0. MinVMax. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90" -120° Electronic sensorwith M12swivelconnectorthatcan beorientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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* : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 MinVMax. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° Electronic sensorwith M12swivel connectorthat can beorientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor witri M12 swivel connectorthat can be orientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0.1 Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor witri M12 swivel connectorthat can be orientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0. Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensor wifri M12 swivel connectorthat can be orientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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LAGP170_Unità rotante pneumatica - 11

Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± MinVMax. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° Electronic sensorwitn M12swivel connectorthat can beorientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± 0. Min./Max. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60" - 90° -120° Electronic sensor with M12 swivel connectorthat can be orientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

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Pneumatic power pivot * : TOLERANCE BETWEEN DOWEL HOLES ± 0.02, TO SCREW HOLES ± MinVMax. operating pressure: 0,4 / 0,6 MPa Predeterminate pivot rotation in degrees: 45° - 60° - 90° -120° Electronic sensorwith M12swivel connectorthat can beorientated at 0°or90° Subject to technical modifications without notice.

Aprire il catalogo a pagina 13

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