Estratti del catalogo
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 1EN Experience at the service of innovation The Varvel Group has been designing and producing power transmission systems for numerous areas of industry since 1955. “Know-how to do it”: Varvel has the know-how needed to satisfy customers’ requests in the best way possible. Thanks to over sixty years of accumulated experience, Varvel can offer customers a vast range of standard solutions and customised products for specific needs. The entire product range is designed and made in Italy and sold worldwide through two subsidiaries (in the USA and India) and a global network of over 100 commercial...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 2Message from our President The Group History Mission and values Registered trade marks Varvel in figures Group turnover Innovation Product range Areas of application Services Quality Certifications Contents Indice | Messaggio del Presidente 3
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 4Francesco Berselli Message from our President Messaggio del Presidente Experience is our greatest asset. It is the result of a journey that has brought us success and made us a byword for quality; it guides our present and our commitment to constant research and improvement; it drives us towards a future of ever greater opportunity. Every day we draw on our experience of over sixty years to supply the global power transmission market with unequalled products and services. We set the wheels of innovation in motion back in 1955. Today we are still building on our know-how to move forward....
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 5Varvel’s competence and innovation The Varvel Group has been designing and producing gearboxes, gearmotors and speed variators for fixed applications of fractional and medium powers in numerous areas of industry since 1955. Thanks to over sixty years of accumulated experience, Varvel is the preferred partner to international power transmission customers. “Know-how to do it”: Varvel has the know-how needed to satisfy customers’ requests in the best way possible. Our strength lies in unrivalled know-how, manifested in our ability to offer customers a vast range of top quality standard and...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 6History Storia 1955 1965 The 1970 and1980s The 1990s VARVEL was formed on the 24th February with the objective of producing speed variatore (VARiatori di VELocità in italiani. Il 24 febbraio nasce VARVEL, azienda specializzata in VARiatori di VELocità. A range of gearmotors and gearboxes for low to medium power, fixed applications was introduced to complement the variator range. Non più solo variatori, ma anche motoriduttori e riduttori per applicazioni fisse di piccola e media potenza. Our local manufacturing group came into being with the arrival of OCI Srl. The process...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 8Varvel's QuaLity Management System was certified to EN ISO 9001. Certificazione del Sistema di Gestione per La QuaLità UNI EN ISO 9001. The RT Series of worm gearboxes was launched. The innovative seal-free motor flange kit was introduced. Nasce la Serie RT di riduttori a vite senza fine. Introduzione dell'innovativo kit flangia motore senza aneLLo di tenuta. Varvel's Environmental Management System was certified to EN ISO 14001. The new RS Series with separate, seal-free motor flange was launched. Certificazione deL Sistema AmbientaLe UNI EN ISO 14001. Lancio della nuova Serie RS con...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 9The locai manufacturing group was completed with the addition of IMAS and Benincasa Meccanica. The RG Series of low backlash planetary gearboxes was launched. The RN Series of parallel shaft gearboxes was launched. The RO and RV Series of bevel helical gearboxes were launched. Si completa il polo produttivo locale con IMAS e Benincasa Meccanica. Nasce la Serie RG di riduttori epicicloidali a gioco ridotto. Nasce la Serie RN di riduttori paralleli. Nascono le Serie RO e RV di riduttori ortogonali. mECCARKA MGM-Varvel Power Transmission was formed in Chennai, India (Tamil Nadu). Fondazione...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 10Varvel celebrateci its 60th anniversary. Varvel's Occupational Health and Safety Management System was certified to BS OHSAS 18001. The new size 50 worm gearbox was added to the RS Series. The RO2 two-stage bevel helical gearbox was launched. Celebrazione del 60° Anniversario di Varvel. Certificazione del Sistema di Gestione per la Salute e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro BS OHSAS 18001. Nasce il nuovo riduttore a vite senza fine Serie RS taglia 50. Nasce il riduttore ortogonale a due coppie RO2. Under the Horizon 2020 programme, Varvel began work on the "Smart Gearbox" project to develop a new...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 11Mission and values Missione e valori Mission To be a reliable partner in the production and sale of transmission components around the world and to offer an excellent level of service, top quality products and custom solutions while respecting the values of a socially responsible company. Missione Essere un partner affidabile nella produzione e commercializzazione su scala internazionale di organi di trasmissione per mezzo di un elevato livello di servizio, prodotti di qualità e soluzioni personalizzate, nel rispetto dei valori dell’impresa socialmente responsabile. Valori Trasparenza...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 12Registered trade marks Marchi registrati The Group’s main brand, the name is derived from “VARiatore di VELocità” (speed variator), and is the signature to every product and project. The brand that identifies the union of Varvel SpA’s production subsidiaries. Principale elemento distintivo del nome dell’azienda, nasce dalla crasi delle parole “VARiatore di VELocità”, marchio che firma ogni prodotto e ogni progetto. Marchio che identifica l’unione delle società di produzione controllate da Varvel SpA. SMART GEARBOX The brand that identifies the web configuration system, with downloadable CAD...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 13Varvel in figures Varvel in cifre The Varvel Group’s factory and office space in Italy alone. The number of gearboxes produced by the Varvel Group every year. Superficie coperta in Italia dal Gruppo Varvel. I riduttori prodotti dal Gruppo Varvel ogni anno. 225 Employees around the world. Dipendenti nel mondo. In the 2017 business year, around 2% of turnover was invested in research and development 2 Foreign subsidiaries in India and the USA. Filiali estere in India e USA. 100 Our global network of over 100 commercial partners. Rete globale con oltre 100 partner commerciali. Nel corso...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 14Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche VARVEL
Condizioni Generali di Vendita
6 Pagine
96 Pagine
92 Pagine
60 Pagine
72 Pagine
20 Pagine
16 Pagine
Gamma Prodotti
8 Pagine
8 Pagine
Manuale ATEX
36 Pagine
Catalogo RO2
64 Pagine
44 Pagine
12 Pagine
28 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
Gearboxes for Servomotors
40 Pagine
XA series
8 Pagine
G/GS series
4 Pagine
RN series
92 Pagine
ISM/BSM 2021
12 Pagine
VS series
16 Pagine
VR catalogue
20 Pagine
RD catalogue
64 Pagine
Working Instructions & Maintenance
32 Pagine
RS/RT datasheet
2 Pagine
2 Pagine
Gearboxes for servomotors catalogue
40 Pagine